“the living owe it to those who no longer can speak to tell their story for them” – CRIME OF THE CENTURY * SUPERTRAMP


Website Exposes 

  Judicial Corruption in Canada


The link above is a newer version of 

The Broder Buck Scandal

on the

Go Daddy platform.




Hazel Broder  passed away in 1967 and her daughters claimed her personal affects.

Edmund Broder passed away on December 26, 1968 and his sons claimed his personal affects.

 Richard Broder kept the 1914 Model T

Earl Broder took an Ox Blood saddle and blacksmith stuff. 

George Broder took some hunting gear and the rifle.

Donald Broder took his Father deer head trophy.

Then in 1997 they all sued

Donald Broder and Craig Broder for the return of the Trophy Buck.  

All Donald Broder requested was that an Administrator be appointed through
The Surrogate Courts if it was not too late as it was almost 30 years since Edmunds passing?
Then the Administrator would have to make a demand that all siblings return
Edmund Broder personal affects.
Not just The Trophy Buck Donald Broder had in his possession!
And it was plead in the Statement of Defence.
The Broder siblings had no right to sue for a property they had no legal or equitable right to. 
Only The Administrator has the right to bring an action on behalf of a deceased.  

This website will provide to you the reader factual evidence in

The Crown and  lawyers involved with all refenced Court filed documents and transcripts that

The Alberta Justice Department was upset because the Plaintiff’s lawyer forced the pleadings close

within this action before she had applied for Probate,

and as such the Plaintiff’s had no standing to sue.

Then prove how.

The Alberta Justice Department acted biased and prejudiced 

conspiring with lawyers to jail, frame, and defraud the Defendants.

Donald Broder and Craig Broder. 

Just another Canadian Government crime. 



harvested by

Edmund Broder

 November 26, 1926

just south of Chip Lake, Alberta!

As measured by The Boone & Crockett Club’s

annual scoring session in New York City in 1962,

scored an unprecedented 355 2/8 inches of antler!


The World Record

Non-Typical Mule Deer!



The Crime of the Century 


The website will expose


that was willfully committed by

The Alberta Justice Department 

acting in collusion with

specific lawyers and law firms named

   for whom all conspired to frame, falsely incarcerate, and defraud this innocent elder. 

Donald H. Broder 

then while these white collar criminals placed him in custody at

The Edmonton Remand Center then lawyer 

 Guy Lacourciere of Lacourciere Cervini extorted $225,000 from

Donald H. Broder’s

75-year-old wife Joyce Broder for whom was in early stages of


to secure his release from prison.


The Truth Be Told!

This website was created by.

Donald H. Broder

“Oct 11, 1929 – April 11, 2012”

In Memory of his parents.

Edmund and Hazel Broder

Edmund Broder

harvested the

Broder Buck 

November 26, 1926

then was married to.

Hazel Bailey

February 2, 1927.

Wedding picture below

Edmund and Hazel Broder wedding picture

Hazel Broder passed away in 1967.

The siblings completed probate for Hazel Broder at the Surrogate Courts and distributed her effects before

Edmund Broder passed away on December 26, 1968.

and his personal effects

1914 Model T, carpenter tools, a saddle, his hunting gear and The Broder Buck.

all considered not worth much.

Donald Broder realized everything was being randomly taken by his siblings

so went to the family home took what nobody else wanted.

The Broder Buck 

Donald Broder had the Broder Buck in is exclusive possession from 1970 – 1997. 

Then in March 1997

 Donald Broder and Craig Broder agreed to display the Broder Buck at 

The not for profit

Edmonton Sportsman Show 

to help with bringing up the attendance and raise much need support for

specific organizations that relied donation and public support.  

Then in July 1997

 Donald Broder and Craig Broder were served with 

Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action# 9703-12949.

This website

will demonstrate to you the reader proof of the crime in their own

court filed documents and cross examination transcripts of how 

The Alberta Government,

Alberta Justice Department,


The Crown in Right of Alberta 

“all have blood on their hands.”  

For Conspiring with lawyers to frame the innocent.

Use the RCMP to enforce the crime they are committing.

Jail and innocent man while they extort $235,347.30 from his wife.

Then when he tries to defend himself by suing lawyers.

The Justices of The Court tell him to 

“go find something better to do” 

And Garnishee his bank account

his wife’s bank account

his son’s bank account and salary

and one of his grand children’s bank account.


The following chapters will provide


that prove within

Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action # 9793-12949 filed at

 Edmonton Law Courts July 8, 1997 






Donald Broder and Craig Broder had won this lawsuit on March 15, 2001.

Case Law mugford vs. mugford (PDF)

Mugford vs. Mugford – Newfoundland Supreme Court – Court of Appeal – Goodridge C.J.N., O’Neill and Cameron JJ.A. Heard: November 9, 1992 – Judgment: December 15, 1992. ” The Personal Representatives must be appointed by the Surrogate Courts to act on behalf of the Estate of the deceased and named as Plaintiffs for the action to have standing within the Courts.

Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action # 9703-12949 pleadings were closed by Court order requested by the Plaintiff’s lawyer Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen .

As per Mugford vs. Mugford case law “PDF above” 

The Broder siblings had  no legal or equitable right to sue for something that was not theirs.

The must apply for probate at The Surrogate Courts to formally appoint an Administrator of Edmund Broder’s’ Estate.

The Administrator must make a formal demand for the return of all Edmund Broder’s personal possessions.

Then the Administrator can initiate a law suit.

We will prove 

The Plaintiffs lawyer

Elizabeth MacInnis / Moir of

Weir Bowen

Daughter of Justice Moir 

The pages that follow will provide evidence of 

Justice Myra Bielby willfully participation in this crime during her time on the bench for the trial of this action?

Was Elizabeth MacInnis Conspiring with opposing lawyers to defraud Donald Broder?

Was the RCMP a willful participant, or just doing what they were told?

  Was Justice Briekruz’s second signature on the FIAT forged?

Was audio from the trial deleted?

Was Purgery committed by Elizabeth MacInnis at the trial?

Was Donald Broder falsely imprisoned?

Were the Garnishees against the Broder family intimidation and threats?

Were Alberta Court of Appeal Justices, Peter Costigan, Ronald Berger and Carol Conrad willful participants?

Was the Supreme Court of Canada a willful participant? 

How The Broder family cracked this case?

The Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench specifically

Justice Myra Bielby

participated in;

orchestrating the outcome of the trial of action 9703-12949

held before her from January 19 – 23, 2004

at The Edmonton Law Courts.


will also prove the roles of how the.

The Alberta Court of Appeal

Nos: 0403-0202-AC, 0403-0267-AC and 0403-0356-AC


The Supreme Court of Canada

No: 31335

Chose to cover up this crime.

Donald H. Broder and his family made the decision to proceed with all levels of Court

knowingly that when the time came to sue one of their lawyers

The Alberta Justice Department could not use the excuse

you should have appealed the trial judge,

Justice Myra Bielby’s decision at

The Alberta Court of Appeal

or you should have filed an application for leave at

The Supreme Court of Canada.

Well we did. 

The Supreme Court of Canada dismissed 

The Application for Leave

in October of 2006.


Donald Broder and Craig Broder filed a lawsuit against 

Robert Sawer of R J. Sawers and Associates

shortly there after

The Supreme Court of Canada

dismissed their application.

Robert Sawers provided producible through his defence council at FMC law firm

completely intacted to prove his innocence.

Donald Broder and Craig Broder learned that 

Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action # 9703-12949

pleadings were forced closed on February 15, 2001 by

Court Order

initiated by lawyer Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen.


Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen

had requested consent from

Donald Broder and Craig Broder

to file an Amended Statement of Claim and file

The Certificate of Readiness

that would close the pleadings within

The Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action# 9703-12949.

Consent was declined by Donald Broder and Craig Broder.

As per the Court Order below Elizabeth MacInnis filed and made the request to Justice Lewis.

The Pleadings were ordered closed on February 15, 2001.

as per paragraph 5 below”

“Then as per paragraph 2 below”

Justice Lewis  Orders that The Defendant’s Donald Broder and Craig Broder application for a jury trial must be completed

on or before the pleadings are closed on February 15, 2001.









As stated on the Justice Lewis Court Order above 

“On Monday,

the 18th day of December, 2000″ 

Was the conclusion of this frivolous, vexatious and abuse of process lawsuit.

Donald Broder and Craig Broder had just won because the 

Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action # 9703-12949 had no standing without a

Personal Representative being appointed by 

Surrogate Courts


the siblings named as Plaintiff’s had no right to sue on their own behalf for property that 

they had no legal or equitable right too. 

All the following pages

will break down each specific criminal act and who was involved in this

Crime of  the Century.

Obstruction of Justice, Conspiracy to Defraud, Purgery, and Extortion of Personal Property against 

Donald H Broder and his family. 



Front Page


Page 2

following this page will be named 


Page 3


Page 4

To Be Named

The information below will be saved here temporarily and not deleted until it is copied and pasted to the following pages in the reconstruction process.


Edmund Broder’s

eldest son

Donald H. Broder

At 82 years of age.

 Passed away on April 11, 2012 with his bank account garnished

his wife Joyce M. Broder predeceased him on September 23, 2011 and while in a

long term care facility Good Samaritans in Stony Plain, Alberta suffering with Alzheimer’s and Dementia

also had her bank account garnished.

Donald H. Broder and Joyce M Broder were both victims of


being willfully committed by 

The Governments of Canada

DOJ – Department’s of Justice.

 willful acts of conspiracy by

Justices of the Court

acting in collusion with

The Alberta Law Society.

  For whom all conspired to orchestrate the outcome of a trial within 

Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action No: 9703-12949 heard at

The Edmonton Law Courts from January 19 – 23, 2004.

Then in April of 2004 threatened forced entry into Donald H. Broder’s personal home, 

intimidated his wife and then when.

The Alberta Justice Department

could not find and confiscate 

The Broder Buck

 Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen requested that

Justice Myra Biebly

imprison Donald H. Broder on April 23, 2004,

until such time as he turns over

The Broder Buck.

Donald H. Broder was falsely incarcerated at

The Edmonton Remand Center from

 April 23, 2004 – May 3, 2004.

While being held in custody

The Alberta Justice Department colluded with

Donald H. Broder’s lawyer,

Guy Lacourciere 

  to extort $235,347.30 from his wife

Joyce Broder

“see the transfer from Donald & Joyce Broder’s bank account to LAC CER TR “stands for Lacourciere Cervini “.

Donald H. Broder was then released from being held in prison at The Edmonton Remand Center on

May 3, 2004.

LAC CER Tr stands for 

Lacourciere Cervini law office.

Guy Lacourciere turned over the $235,347.30 to the

Plaintiff’s lawyer

Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen.

 Donald H. Broder was then release from prison.


See The Court Order below.

orderchargesand moneytobloos1

See below, Paragraph 2

The money was to be deposited in trust with Donald Broder’s criminal lawyer

Marvin Bloos at

Beresh Depoe Cunningham.

How the hell did Guy Lacourciere get his hands on the money?

Wait until you read more and see the proof Marvin Bloos was in on it too!


See above and below, Paragraph 4 

an investigation was ordered into possible criminal charges as of against

Donald Broder and Craig Broder.


Craig Broder wrote to Alberta Justice and Attorney General 

Alison Redford 

See below, her response. 




 The evidence provided within the website will be excerpts

from the lawyers and judges own documents 

and will prove beyond any reasonable doubt that. 

The Alberta Justice Department 

willfully participated in a


colluding to orchestrate the outcome of 

Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action 9703-12949

 being a willful participant, knowingly and

now doing nothing to criminally charge these white collar criminals.

And refuse to pay restitution to

Donald H. Broder his wife Joyce M Broder

and his children and grandchildren.

Yes, we will expose.

The Criminals behind the bench at

The Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta, Canada – Law Courts

 “Justices of the court that acted in collusion with lawyers to commit criminal acts of

Fraud, Perjury, Forgery, Obstruction of Justice, Trial Audio Tampering, 

Backdating and False Affidavits of Service.


“Not only does the Government of Canada allow

this atrocious act against its own people.”

The evidence provided within this website will prove.

“The Federal Government of Canada


The Alberta Justice Department

were willful participants!”


kingstbe or not to be


The Judicial Council of Canada

for not removing from  The Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench.

Justice C. P. Clarke, Justice R. P. Belzil, Justice Myra Bielby, Justice Karen Horner, Justice Ged Hawco

Justice Joanne Veit, Justice R. P. Marceau, Master J. T. Prowse, Master Hannebury

Master Smart, Master W. Breitkreuz;


Federally appointed.

Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich “retired”

Past Chief Justice W. Kenneth Moore


The Law Society of Alberta

for not having criminal charges initiated against the named.

Lawyers & Law Firms.

 Elizabeth MacInnis / Moir of Weir Bowen

Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson

Bill Kenny of Miller Thomson

Joseph Kueber of Bryan & Company

Guy Lacourciere of Lacourciere Associates


Marvin Bloos of Beresh Depoe Cunningham

for whom accepted excess of $15,000 as

Donald H. Broder’s criminal defence lawyer

then allowed his own client an innocent 75-year-old senior citizen

To be falsely incarcerated

and then

accepted another $15,000 to file

The Application for leave to.

The Supreme Court of Canada

and with the assistance of.

Henry S. Brown of Gowling Lafleur Henderson an Ottawa law firm

orchestrated the loss of his own client,

Donald H. Broder 

by colluding and orchestrating the documents relied on within

The Application for Leave to

The Supreme Court of Canada

 willfully excluding the necessary court filed documents 

that would exonerate his client.

Thereby willfully conspiring to

obtain a dismissal of.

The Application for Leave to.

The Supreme Court of Canada.

 to cover up his participation with

The Alberta Justice Department’s  

acts conspiracy

for which he was a part of 

that framed an innocent senior citizen

therefore, defrauding his own client

Donald H. Broder.

And now

without consequences from the.

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

 Economic and Commercial Crime Unit.

 for whom now are also acting in collusion with them.

Crown Prosecutors Office.
Ignoring the factual evidence and continuing to deny

the formal request to,

criminally charge 

all of these white collar criminals identified that willfully

participated in this


But instead.

The Alberta Justice Department

lead by.

 Alison Redford 

during her reign as.

Justice Minister / Attorney General of Alberta, Canada.

has chosen to conceal and cover-up that.

Conspiracy, Fraud, Obstruction of Justice, Extortion and Perjury

was committed by all the perpetrators named and

as the evidence will prove all participants

 acted with willful intent to orchestrate the outcome of

Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench action no. 9703-12949

 at the Edmonton, Alberta – Law Court 


Federally appointed Justices of the Court conspiring with lawyers

 for whom all willfully chose to act in collusion to frame and falsely incarcerate

an innocent 75-year-old senior citizen,

Donald H. Broder,

for 11 days at

The Edmonton Remand Center

where they could use fear tactics for his well-being to scare his 

children and grandchildren

while taking advantage of his wife Joyce Broder.

“Picture of Donald and Joyce Broder below”


to be continued’

The following information is provided to you, the reader.

So, you have the knowledge of how to.

  Guard your family from

Organized Government Crime


The Alberta Justice Department


The Alberta Government

as all elected Canadian government officials have and

continue to act with willful intent to. 

 conceal, ignore, and demonstrate disregard to.

The Canadian Constitution  

 by allowing  

Harm against the vulnerable and innocent elderly 

with purposeful acts of collusion to conceal.

Judicial Fraud,

consisting of.

Conspiracy to Defraud,

Contempt of Court

Perjury, Forgery and Backdating,

Deleting audio from Trial recordings,

Filing and Relying on False Affidavits of Service,

from the Canadian people.


And, by allowing them to.

Substitute of a new Plaintiff to the Statement of Claim after

the Applicable limitation period had lapsed

willfully breaching.

The Statute of Limitation of Actions Act.

to purposely frame an,  

  innocent 75-year-old Canadian citizens.

Donald Harrison Broder

 “A sincere and genuine gentle husband, father and grandfather

for whom never caused harm to anyone in his life.”


“Born October 11, 1929, and passed away on April 11, 2012

with his bank account garnished by

The Alberta Justice Department

and his wife

Joyce Broder “below” 

Joyce Broder at the Good Samaritans Lodge

while in a Good Samaritan’s care facility

suffering with

Dementia and Alzheimer’s also

had her bank account garnished

depleting her ability to pay the

monthly costs for her long-term care.”

Garnishes of Joyce Broder and Letter of Doctor (full version PDF)




1926 through and ongoing into 2013 and beyond……

The picture below is from 1962 Edmonton Journal newspaper reporter Gary Cooper that was published shortly after the Trophy Mule Deer was returned to Edmund Broder from a Boone & Crockett Club scoring session in New York U.S.A. at which time The Broder Buck was pronounced The World Record Non-Typical Mule Deer with an unprecedented Boone & Crockett score of 355 2/8 inches. Edmund Broder would leave annually on November 11 for his hunting expedition south of Chip Lake, Alberta usually staying at a friend’s home in Wildwood then traveling south into the Carrot Creek and Rat Lake area sometimes not returning to his home in Edmonton, Alberta until just before Christmas. 

As the story was told. The Broder Buck was harvested by Edmund Broder 

south of Chip Lake, Alberta Canada by The Bigoray River,

90 mile west of Edmonton on November 26, 1926 and

transported home on Ed’s 1914 Ford Model T.

This website will provide to you the reader. 

 Evidence of how The Alberta Justice Department and specifically named Justices and Lawyers conspired to defraud the Broder family of this magnificent trophy by orchestrating the outcome of a civil litigation at the Edmonton Law Courts more than 25 years after the death of Edmund Broder. Lawyers acting for the Plaintiff’s and Defendant’s colluded with The Crown to orchestrate the outcome and milk the Broder family for their own monitory gain by; failing to comply with a Court Order, filing false Affidavits, backdating documents, forging Judges signatures and then incarcerating an innocent 75-year-old senior citizen, Edmund Broder’s eldest living son Donald H. Broder for 11 days in

The Edmonton Remand Center to teach him a lesson.

 Factual evidence on this web page will expose and prove when, how and whom the

lawyers and Justices are that willfully acted in collusion with

The Alberta Justice Department to frame and defraud and innocent man and

will be provided to you the reader in an easy-to-understand format 

for the sole purpose of exonerating this innocent.

Husband, Father and Grandfather.

Donald H. Broder

For whom now will be remembered for teaching the Justices and lawyers a lesson!

 The website was developed by and on behalf of 

Donald H. Broder for whom was the primary victim.

Now through his own relentless efforts the results of his investigation will

expose corruption within

The Canadian Judicial System.




“With and Without Prejudice!”

Welcome To:

The Buck for Justice Website

Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action 9703-12949 was filed in the Edmonton Law Courts on July 8, 1997 proceeded to trial January 19 – 23, 2004, Alberta Justice falsely incarcerated Donald H. Broder for 11 day from April 26 – May 6 of 2004 at The Edmonton Remand Center while the matter was under appeal at The Alberta Court of Appeal. Then followed by an orchestrated Application for Leave to The Supreme Court of Canada for which was dismissed in April of 2006 not allowing the matter to be heard at The Supreme Court of Canada as it was not in the public’s best interest to be made aware of Judicial Corruption, Fraud, Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, Collusion and that The Alberta Justice Department had participated in a conspiracy to orchestrate the outcome because the Plaintiff’s lawyer Elizabeth MacInnis / Moore of Weir Bowen had complained to her daddy Alberta Chief Justice W. Kenneth Moore she had been ambushed by the Defendant’s Donald Broder and Craig Broders lawyer Robert Sawers of  R. J. Sawers and Associates.

kingstbe or not to be

The documents and information on this website will provide proof that everything was orchestrated by the Justices at Edmonton Law Courts and the Lawyers named from March 15, 2001, inclusive of The Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Trial, The Alberta Court of Appeal and The Application for leave to The Supreme Court of Canada for the sole purpose to protect the Plaintiff’s Lawyer, Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen from ambushing herself as she had forced the Pleadings closed before she had applied for Probate at the Surrogate Courts. Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Actions were commenced against certain Lawyers in December – 2006, 2008, and 2010 and the following information was obtained from producible records, cross examinations and true filed copies of court documents obtained from The Clerk of the Courts in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

The evidence provided will identify the perpetrators and prove collusion, fraud and conspiracy committed by The Alberta Justice Department, Justices and Lawyers willful actions to frame, falsely incarcerate and defraud an innocent senior citizen for the sole purpose to protect the Plaintiff’s Lawyer, Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen because she made the comment that she had been ambushed by Donald Broder’s Lawyer Robert Sawers because he allowed her to force the pleadings closed on or before March 15, 2001 by way of Court Order within Action 9703-12949.

Robert Sawers then obtained leave of the Court to have an outstanding 129 application heard that the action was frivolous, vexatious, and abuse of court process as only Personal Representatives were allowed to sue on behalf of a deceased ” relying on case law Mugford vs. Mugford – Newfoundland Court of Appeal” and for which at the time Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen had closed the Pleadings before she made an Application for Probate and as such Personal Representatives did not exist since the death of Edmund Broder on December 26, 1968 to March 15, 2001 for which was the deadline set by court order that closed the pleadings within action 9703-12949 excess of 32 years.

This evidence provided within this website will walk you the reader through the conspiracy to defraud an innocent 75 year old senior citizen, Donald Broder committed by his own lawyers; Guy Lacourciere of Lacourciere Associates, Bryan Kickham and Bill Kenny of Miller Thomson, Joseph Kueber of Bryan and Company and Marvin Bloos of Beresh Depoe Cunningham to frame him in order to protect the Plaintiffs’ Lawyer; Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen from losing the law suit because she had forced closed the pleadings on herself by way of Court Order before she filed The Application for Probate with The Surrogate Courts and as such the action was frivolous, vexatious and abuse of process without Personal Representatives that had not been appointed by the Surrogate Courts.

Personal Representatives therefore did not exist at the time the Court ordered the Pleadings closed within the said action and as such even if the Application for Probate was successful and Personal Representatives would be appointed they could not be add/substituted as Plaintiff’s on The Statement of Claim within the said action as the expiration of the applicable limitation period as defined as two years within the Limitations of Actions Act to add or substitute a new claimant / Plaintiff had lapsed.

Evidence that everything that transpired within Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action 9703-12949 after March 15, 2001

 ” The date for which Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich had ordered the pleading closed”

was orchestrated between.

The Plaintiffs and Defendants lawyers were all now committing fraud on the courts y conspiring and acting in collusion with The Alberta Justice Department”

to frame an innocent senior citizen for the purpose to defraud him and his family. 

November 14, 2008 I, Donald Broder attended Edmonton Law Court to review the true filed copies of the filed documents within Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action No. 9703-12949. The Clerk realized I, Donald Broder was the Defendant and handed my son a copy of the Procedural Record Print and expressed.

“If you’re suing lawyers this is where you start! Please don’t blame us; we just do what we are told around here!”

It was then we realized the conspiracy to orchestrate had been with purposeful intent and willful actions of the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Justices colluding with all the lawyers involved to defraud my family and I by all parties named below; Alison Redford – Attorney General / Justice Minister – The Department of Justice, specifically, Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich, Master Quinn, Justices; C. P. Clarke, Myra Bielby, Carole Conrad, Ronald Berger and Peter Costigan, for whom were all willful participated in a conspiracy with my own Lawyers, Bryan Kickham and Bill Kenny of Miller Thomson, Guy Lacourciere of Lacourciere Associates, Joseph Kueber of Bryan and Company and Marvin Bloos of Beresh Depoe Cunningham

To orchestrate the outcome of Action 9703-12949 for whom all had conspired to ambush me and protect the Plaintiff’s Lawyer; Elizabeth MacInnis / Moore of Weir Bowen as she had made the comment, she had been ambushed by one of my Lawyers; Robert Sawers of R. J. Sawers and Associates.

A full investigation was launched immediately, and it was then.

I, Donald H. Broder realized. 

“I was suing the least guilty Lawyer, Robert J. Sawers, of R. J. Sawers & Associates”

This website will reveal what our investigation has uncovered.

Why the Clerk of the Court said, “Please don’t blame us we just do what we are told around here”

The Plaintiff’s lawyer Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen had obtained a court order in December 2000 from Justice J L Lewis to file the Certificate of Readiness on February 15, 2001 allowing time for the Defendants to make a Jury Trial Application before Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich,  then leave of the court was granted or a time extension during my Jury trial application from Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich to close the pleadings on March 15, 2001 to allow time for my outstanding 129 application challenging the Plaintiff’s standing or right to sue as the Application for Probate had never been before the Surrogate Courts and Personal Representatives did not exist. The action was to be dismissed at my 129 application and no jury would be required because only Personal Representatives could sue on behalf of a deceased and the Plaintiff’s lacked standing to sue in their personal capacity. This website will expose the collusion and orchestration between my own lawyers and the Plaintiff’s lawyer; Elizabeth MacInnis with Justices in the Alberta Law Court exposing how they colluded to made the application for probate on May 24, 2001 to appoint Personal Representatives, falsify an Affidavit of service, substituted the Personal Representatives as Plaintiff’s after the applicable limitation period expired, amended my Statement of Defence 10 days before the trial to purposely conceal that the issue of lack of Personal Representatives had been raised in the original Statement of Defence, back dated the FIAT “permission to amended the Statement of Defence from January 9, 2004 to January 9, 2003 forge the judges second signature below the false date on the FIAT and delete audio from the trial audio removing my open statements at trial.

The Clerk of the Court had to have been told to ignore the Order of The Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich and keep the Pleadings open in Action 9703-12949 to allow Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen time to file for Probate appoint Personal Representatives without effective service on Donald H. Broder and Amend the Amended Statement of Claim to add the Personal Representatives as Plaintiffs after the applicable limitation period of 2 years to add or substitute a new Plaintiff had expired. The Clerk of the Court had to also have been told to allow the Certificate of Readiness, “for which would close the pleadings” to be allowed to be filed on April 17, 2003, instead of as Ordered by The Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich to file The Certificate of Readiness on or before March 15, 2001. The Clerk of the Court had to have been told to allow Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson to file an Amended Statement of Defence as per the true FIAT date of January 9, 2004, 10 days before the scheduled trial of January 19 – 23, 2004, although the FIAT was back dated to a false date of January 9, 2003 to predate the file date of the second Certificate of Readiness it was with purposeful intent to orchestrate that the Amended Statement of Defence would take total precedence at trial.   This tactic by my own lawyer Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson would conceal from the trial Judge; Justice Bielby that; “the first time the issue of standing / lack of Personal Representatives was raised was in the Original Statement of Defence.”

Danielle Smith, leader of the Wildrose Party, in the presence of MLA Rob Anderson, Paul Hindman, Heather Forsyth, and Guy Boutiller, was quoted in the Calgary Sun, Sunday – June 26, 2011, as saying.

“We’re too smart to fall for fear mongering.” – “then later in 2015 Danielle Smith and her gang of renegades joined the PC party”

I, Donald H. Broder an 80-year-old senior citizen quote; I am also too smart to fall for fear mongering.”

“Now in 2015 – The Broder’s stand alone and will not tolerate any government of Canada’s fear mongering” 

Let’s see if the newly elected NDP party led by Rachel Notley – Premier and Kathleen Ganley – Attorney General stand up or fall for fear mongering!

They’re too busy pushing through a Bill to look like a worker safety issue on is really a tax on families that work their own farm.

This Website will identify to you the reader how.

The Alberta Justice Department and Lawyers conspired against an innocent senior citizen; Donald H. Broder to defraud him and come to the aid of the Plaintiff’s Lawyer, Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen to aide her from being ambushed by my Lawyer, Robert J. Sawers, or should I say from ambushing herself because she had forced the pleading closed within action 9703-12949 before she applied for probate.

And we will also prove that a Court Order exists from Justice Myra Bielby that ordered the file and transcripts be turned over to Alison Redford – Attorney General of Alberta for an investigation into possible criminal charges be laid against the Broder family but the evidence will prove otherwise that criminal charges should have been laid against all Justices and lawyers involved for their criminal conduct of conspiracy to defraud an innocent senior citizen and his family. 

 Alison Redford has and continues to be willfully blind and takes the do-nothing approach hoping this matter will go away.

She could not be more wrong!

It is Alleged…

Alison Redford – Alberta Canada – Minister of Justice / Attorney General knowingly

has allowed The Alberta Justice Department to.

Participate in Judicial and Health Care Fraud as of against innocent senior citizens,

Donald H. Broder and his wife, Joyce M. Broder


1) Justices of the Courts and Lawyers orchestrating the outcome of the trial by not following Court Orders, falsifying documents, misleading the trial Judge for which lead to the wrongful imprisonment of I, Donald Broder, a 75 year old senior on a Friday April 26 – 2004 for 11 days in the Edmonton Remand Center without food or medical requirements until I called my son; Jeff Broder on Saturday April 27, 2004 shortly after 12:00 noon for whom showed up at the Edmonton Remand Center and demanded I; Donald H. Broder his Father be provided immediate medical attention and a meal or else the Remand Center deal with the consequences!  

2) And now in 2011 the Alberta Justice Department garnished my wife, Joyce Broder’s, bank account of her pension monies for Court costs imposed against me within Actions in Calgary Law Court against Lawyers for which have been wrongfully dismissed and that my terminally ill wife, Joyce Broder, had nothing to do with, as she resides in a Good Samaritans – Long Term Care Facility diagnosed in the later stages of Dementia and Alzheimer’s.

All Justices and lawyers named will be exposed for their willful roles conspiring to commit Judicial Fraud as of against an innocent senior citizen, Donald H. Broder and his wife, Joyce M. Broder by.

1) The Defendant; Donald H. Broder owns lawyers, Marvin Bloos of Beresh Depoe Cunningham, Bryan Kickham and Bill Kenny of Miller Thomson, Joseph Kueber of Bryan and Company and Guy Lacourciere of Lacourciere Associates for whom all acted in collusion with Justices of the Edmonton Alberta Law Courts to protect the Plaintiff’s lawyer; Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen from being ambushed because she had closed the pleadings on herself within Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action 9703-12949 before the Application for Probate was filed within Surrogate Courts action SES03 113567  and allowing her to falsify the Affidavit of Service for the Application for Probate, appoint Personal Representatives then Amend the Amended Statement of Claim and substitute the Personal Representatives as Plaintiffs to the said action after the applicable limitation period of 2 years had lapsed.

2) Conspiring with Donald H. Broder’s own lawyer Bryan Kickham of Miller Thompson to protect Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen and frame Donald H. Broder by his willful acts to file an Amended Statement of Defence on January 9, 2004 just 10 days before the scheduled trial of January 19, 2004 willfully backdating the FIAT to January 9, 2003 to predate the second fake conditional certificate of readiness filed dated of April 17, 2003 knowingly it would become total precedence at trial and for the sole purpose to conceal paragraph 8 within the Original Statement of Defence from the Trial Justice Myra Bielby as to the first time the issue of Standing / lack of Personal Representatives as per Alberta Rules of Court Rule 129 was raised.

3) Alberta Justice Department conspiring by deleting audio of the trial in Action 9703-12949 specifically the Opening Statements as read at trial on behalf of Donald H. Broder the morning of January 19, 2004.

4) The Alberta Court of Appeal Justice’s; Carole Conrad, Ronald Berger and Peter Costigan also conspired with Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen; to frame an innocent senior when they were made aware within the Alberta Court of Appeal Books the first time the issue of standing was raised / lack of Personal Representatives as per Alberta Rules of Court Rule 129 was not early 2001 as Elizabeth MacInnis told Justice Myra Bielby but contained with Donald H. Broder’s Original Statement of Defence filed on July 28, 1997 and that Donald H Broder’s own defence lawyer Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson had amended his own clients Statement of Defence on January 9, 2004 backdating it to January 9, 2003, forged a Judges signature to purposely collude with the Plaintiff’s lawyer Elizabeth MacInnis and conspire to defraud his own client Donald H. Broder.

5) Marvin Bloos of Beresh Depoe Cunningham Donald H. Broder criminal lawyer during the orchestrated contempt of court charge had to also orchestrate the Application for Leave to The Supreme Court of Canada to cover his own acts of conspiracy to defraud Donald H. Broder.

The information published on this website is public information obtained by the Defendant, Donald H. Broder within Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action 9703-12949, Alberta Surrogate Courts Action SOS03 113567, Alberta Court of Appeal NOS. 0403-0202-AC, 0403-0267-AC, 0403-0356-AC, and The Supreme Court of Canada Action No. 31335 and was provided by.

1. Edmonton Law Courts – The Clerk of the Court.

2. Alberta Justice – Transcript Management.

3. Alison Redford – The Attorney General / Justice Minister.

4. The Queen’s Printer – Alberta Rules of Court.

5. Affidavits filed at Calgary Law Courts within actions brought against lawyers.

6. Cross Examination of Guy Lacourciere on his Affidavit – transcribed by Carol A. Bourgeois. CSR “Court Reporter”

7. Supreme Court of Canada / PDF of the True Filed Copy of the Application for Leave for which was dismissed in April 2006.

8. Producible Records provided during litigation against lawyers.

9. The Law Society of Alberta.

10.  Alberta Lawyers Insurance Association. “ALIA”

11.  Privileged and confidential documents of Donald H. Broder.

12.  Edmonton Commercial Crimes Unit

13.  Confidential information providers.

Please note: For all documents referred to on the tabs to follow

eg. Original Statement of Defence (PDF full version),

simply right click the document title to open the full version.


The Alberta Justice Department / Justices and Lawyers from Alberta named within are all Defendants standing trial to you the reader.

This website was created for the benefit of all Canadians in order that you might learn how to guard.

  Canada’s most vulnerable


“the older generation”

and how to protect


“the younger generation”

 from being haunted by the effects on their lives by witnessing

Judicial Corruption in Canada against the most vulnerable.

You the Reader Be the Jury

History of.

“The Broder Buck”

and how

Justices within The Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench participated in;

orchestrating the outcome of the trial of action 9703-12949

held before Justice Myra Bielby January 19 – 23, 2004

at The Edmonton Law Courts.


will also prove the roles of how the.

The Alberta Court of Appeal

Nos: 0403-0202-AC, 0403-0267-AC and 0403-0356-AC


The Supreme Court of Canada

No: 31335

chose to cover it up!


1887 – The Boone & Crockett Club was founded by Theodore Roosevelt; responsible for a thorough list of activities that either created or preserved the hunting opportunities we enjoy today.

1891– Edmund Broder was born on a homestead halfway between Edmonton and Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta in an area known as Horse Hill.

1909 – Edmund Broder worked for Rose and Bell Livery Stable and was responsible for breaking horses for The North West Mounted Police.

          Note: (Below is the re-digitized image of a 1909 postcard commemorating Edmund Broder for his role in breaking horses)

1909 – 1914 – Wild Horses from Montana and Wyoming, USA were herded up to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and held in a large pasture at the Rose and Bell Livery Stable for which now is part of Edmonton and to date the RCMP – K Division, Kingsway Garden Mall and the Municipal Airport exist on this land.  

1914 – 1918 – 1st World War started in 1914 for which Edmund Broder’s employer Rose and Bell Livery Stable was also called upon to break horses for use by the United States of America and Canadian Military.

1915 – Edmund Broder purchased 160 acres of treed land in Horse Hill settlement North East of Edmonton, Alberta proximity to Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta.

1917 – Edmund Broder purchased his first and only automobile a 1914 Ford Model T from Joe Smith a Ford Dealer in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada.

November 26, 1926 –

Canadian History is made!


With a single shot from Ed’s Winchester 32 Special “The World Record Mule Deer” goes down in an area known as Chip Lake, Alberta, Canada.

Recreated Image of what Ed Broder would have spotted in November 1926. 




and transported back to the Broder homestead in Horse Hill Alberta,

in Ed’s 1914 Ford Model T Touring Car.

broder-buck-postcard-f 1927 – Edmund Broder marries Hazel Bailey.

Edmund and Hazel Broder wedding picture

1928 – Fairview Alberta Community Hospital was opened and was where Donald Harrison Broder was born on October 11, 1929.

Thank you to the new hospital in Fairview, Alberta for providing access to this historic picture.


1929 – October 11 – Donald Harrison Broder was born in Fairview, Alberta. 

1929 – 1939 – The Great Depression started on October 12, 1929 and lasted until the 2nd World War started in September 1939.

1939 – 1945 – 2nd World War started in September 1939 and was the primary reason for the end of The Great Depression as many workers were employed to build War Machinery. 

1957 – Donald Harrison Broder marries Claire Marie Bourasssa.

1957 – December – Edmund Broder is interviewed by the Edmonton Journal upon returning home from his annual 4 to 6-week Big Game hunting trip.


1958, May – Donald H. Broder’s first son is born and named him Donald Craig Broder.

1960 – The Broder Buck antlers are rough scored by George Mitchell and an invitation was extended to Edmund Broder to have.

“The Broder Buck”

Officially scored at the next Boone & Crockett session scheduled in 1962 at New York, U.S.A.


1960, April – Donald H. Broder’s second son is born and names him Marc Edwin Broder.

1962, January – Donald H. Broder’s third son is born and names him Jeffery Edmund Murray Broder.



Edmund Broder 

sends his trophy Mule Deer by railway to.

New York U.S.A.

to be officially scored by

The Boone & Crockett Club



also known as.

“The Chip Lake Buck”

was declared


Non-Typical Mule Deer

with a final

Boone & Crockett score of

355 2/8 inches of antler 



The Edmonton Journal reporter Gary Cooper reports on the World Record 

Broder Buck upon its return from being officially scored.


1963, November – Donald H. Broder has a fourth child, his first daughter, and names her Carolyn Elise Broder.

1967– Hazel Broder dies leaving all her and Ed’s valuable belongings disposed of in her will.

1968 – December 26– Edmund Broder dies with only a few personal belongings.

1969 – June 18 – Donald H. Broder was hired by Alberta Public Works New Construction in Edmonton as a Building Inspector to oversee the construction of Provincial Buildings and projects in Edmonton, Alberta.

  • University of Alberta Bio Science Building.
  • Underground Tunnel system at The University of Alberta.

1971 – September – Public Works transferred Donald H. Broder to Calgary, Alberta, Canada and he oversaw the construction of the following Provincial Building and Historical Sites until he retires in 1987.

  • Sam Livingston Fish Hatchery.
  • Caroline Brood Station.
  • Calgary Remand Center.
  • Calgary Court House pioneered the procedures for asbestos removal.
  • Lethbridge Court House.
  • Lethbridge Jail.  
  • Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump, Northwest of Fort Macleod, Alberta.
  • Frank Slide Interpretive Center.  
  • Cochrane Ranch
  • Brooks Pheasant Hatchery
  • Medicine Hat Court House construction of the new and restoration of the old building.
  • McDougall School Calgary renovation and restoration.
  • Fish Creek Park, Calgary buildings and bridges.
  • Alberta Treasury Branch’s and Liquor Stores.

1972 – Edmund Broder’s family decided not to apply for probate as his personal affects had little to no value and were taken randomly and claimed by his children.

1973 Don Broder takes possession and claims the Mule Deer Trophy as a keep sake as the other family members were claiming their own keep sakes of their parents Edmund and Hazel Broder.

1987– Donald H. Broder is offered a retirement package from Alberta Public Works and retires on a 78-acre ranch by Sundre, Alberta with plans to enjoy his retirement by rebuilding horse drawn carriages, restoring a Model T similar to his fathers and spending time with his children and grandchildren.

Little did he know that a conspiracy to defraud him would occur from July 8, 1997, by Justices and his own defence lawyers acting in collusion with the Plaintiff’s lawyer Elizabeth MacInnis right up to his passing on April 11, 2012.

1992 – Case Law: Mugford vs. Mugford (Nfld. C. A.) David Hurley for the Appellant. and William Morrow for the Respondent. Heard November 9, 1992. To be posted at the end of the Litigation 9703-12949 Tab and as relied upon as precedence during the Alberta Rules of Court Rule 129 Application heard by Master Quinn and the Appeal of Master Quinn heard by Justice C. P. Clarke, Edmonton Law Courts.

Decision in Mugford vs. Mugford: “Only Personal Representatives can bring on a legal action on behalf of a deceased”

1997 – March – Donald H. Broder’s son Craig Broder was served a demand letter to return the Broder Buck to his siblings. Donald Broder refuses until such time that an application for Probate is filed with the Surrogate Courts and a Personal Representative is successfully appointed to administer the Estate of Edmund Broder as per Surrogate Court Rules.

Case Law and Statutes referenced during the litigation;
Case Law mugford vs. mugford (PDF)
Mugford vs. Mugford – Newfoundland Supreme Court – Court of Appeal – Goodridge C.J.N., O’Neill and Cameron JJ.A. Heard: November 9, 1992 – Judgment: December 15, 1992. ” The Personal Representatives must be appointed by the Surrogate Courts to act on behalf of the Estate of the deceased and named as Plaintiffs for the action to have standing within the Courts.
Rocklake vs. Timberjack (PDF)
Rocklake vs. Timberjack – Alberta Court of Appeal. Heard 22nd day of March 1999 before Justice Cote, Wittman, and “Ronald Berger.” Note: Justice Ronald Berger was the dissenting Justice on Rocklake vs. Timberjack, Justice Cote and Wittman overturned the decision of Justice Murray and set aside the Order allowing an Amendment to substitute a new Plaintiff after the Limitation Period had expired. It was decided that; “one cannot add a new Plaintiff after the Limitation Period, as adding a new Plaintiff relies on a rule of Court and Rules of Court are Regulations. Regulations do not override Statutes.
Note: Justice; Ronald Berger was one of the three Justices that was on the bench and heard the Alberta Court Appeal within this action with Carole Conrad and Peter Costigan and allowed the substitution of the Personal Representatives within action 9703-12949 after the expiration of the applicable 2-year Limitation Period as per Alberta New Limitation Act.
Statutes; Alberta’s New Limitation Act“adopted into Legislation March 1, 1999 and defines 2 years as the limitation period for adding or substituting a new Plaintiff on a Statement of Claim.” 

1997 – July 8A Statement of Claim is served on Donald Broder and Craig Broder for replevin of the Trophy without the Personal Representatives named as Plaintiffs, as an Application for Probate had never been applied for at the Surrogate Courts for excess of 25 years since Edmund Broders’ death on December 26, 1968.

Note: The Plaintiffs named were Earl Broder, George Broder, Richard Broder, Margaret Macphee, Doris Bibaud, and Luella Adam. “For whom are all siblings to Donald Broder.” The Personal Representatives were not named as Plaintiff’s as the Application for Probate had not been applied for since the death of Edmund Broder on December 26, 1968.

1997 – July 28A Statement of Defence is filed by Joseph Kueber of Bryan & Company on behalf of Donald Broder and Craig Broder for which in paragraph 8; the issue of standing / lack of Personal Representatives was raised as per;

Alberta Rules of Court Rule 129 –

paragraph 8 within the original Statement of Defence filed on July 28, 1997

raised the issue that the action had no standing as it was.

“frivolous, vexatious, and abuse of court process.”

1999 – March 1 – Alberta adopts a New Limitation of Action Act, which set a 2-year limitation period to add or substitute a new Plaintiff and a 10 year drop dead clause.

1999 – July 9The two-year limitation period lapses from the file date of July 8, 1997 of the Original Statement of Claim to add or substitute a new Plaintiff ‘s within Action 9703-12949 as set out within Alberta’s New Statute of Limitation of Action Act.  The Personal Representatives do not exist as probate still has not been applied for at this time and it is now 30 years since the death of Edmund Broder and the New Statute of Limitation was adopted on March 1, 1999 for which now includes a 10 year drop dead clause and will govern the Application for Probate and should be dismissed when applied for at The Surrogate Courts.

2000 December – Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen requests consent to close the pleadings within action 9703-12949 which was declined by Donald Broder as he continued to explain to his lawyer that his sibling could not sue him only Personal Representatives had a legal right to make demands for the return of Estate property or start a court action to recover Estate property.

2000 – December – Elizabeth MacInnis file a motion to close the pleadings and was granted a Court Order by Justice J. L. Lewis with a deadline of February 15, 2001 to close the Pleadings, allowing time for a Jury Trial Application by Donald Broder’s Lawyer Robert Sawers. Robert Sawers is aware that Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen is now in a conflict position to act on behalf of the Estate of Edmund Broder as she just closed the Pleadings on herself within action 9703-12949 for which she is against Donald Broder one of the Beneficiary and had waited until just before the closing of the pleadings to raise the issue that the Plaintiff’s lack standing only Personal Representatives appointed by the Surrogate Courts can sue on behalf of a deceased.

The Court Order of Justice J. L. Lewis below. 


Paragraph 5. below – Certificate of Readiness must be filed by February 15, 2001.


Paragraph 6. Donald Broder and Craig Broder are ordered to pay $1,000.00 cost forthwith.

NOTE: The Application for Probate had still not been filed at The Surrogate Courts and now it was excess of 30 years since the death of Edmund Broder on December 26, 1968, to December or 2000.

2000 – December – Justice Lewis granted costs to Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen totaling $1,000.00 to be paid forthwith by Donald Broder and Craig Broder; it was paid and then Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen does not adhere to the very Order she made an application for and was granted by Justice J. L. Lewis in December of 2000,  for which leave of the Court was granted to extend the time to March 15, 2001 by Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich for the Defendants Donald Broder and Craig Broder to have their outstanding 129 Application.

“Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen ambushed herself”

2000 – DecemberChief Justice W. Kenneth Moore ” Elizabeth Macinnis’s Father” retires and A. H. Wachowich replaces him at Edmonton Law Courts as Chief Justice of Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench.

2001 – February– Robert Sawers files a 129 Application to strike the claim as being frivolous, vexatious, and abuse of court process; the Plaintiffs do not have standing to sue in their personal capacity only if a Grant of Administration is obtained the Personal Representatives have such a right to bring on an action on behalf of a deceased.

2001 – February – Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich denies the Jury trial application and extends the time to file the Certificate of Readiness to March 15, 2001, allowing time for the outstanding 129 Application, and that only the Defendants can attend any Justice of the Courts to extend the time to file the Certificate of Readiness.

2001 – March 12 – Robert Sawers provides Elizabeth MacInnis with Case Law Mugford vs, Mugford to support the 129 Application that the Plaintiffs do not have standing to sue in their personal capacity only Personal Representatives can sue on behalf of a deceased. Case Law was included Mugford vs. Mugford.

Elizabeth MacInnis / Moir requests an adjournment stating to Robert Sawers she has an urgent family matter.

“Her way of saying i’m going to tell my daddy past Chief Justice W Kenneth Moir on you for allowing me to ambush myself!” 

2001 – March 15As per The Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich order The Pleadings are closed within Action 9703-12949 as Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen, Lawyer for the Plaintiffs forced them closed on herself before she applied for probate.

2001 -March 15 – The Plaintiff’s lawyer, Elizabeth MacInnis / Moir of Weir Bowen becomes aware that the Court Order issued at her request by Justice J. L. Lewis to file the Certificate of Readiness and close the pleading would cause her to lose the lawsuit as she had not applied for probate and as such Personal Representatives did not exist and not only need to exist must be name as Plaintiff’s on the Statement of Claim.  

2001- March 15 Donald Broder and Craig Broder won the lawsuit as soon as Elizabeth MacInnis files the Certificate of Readiness as per The Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich order on or before March 15, 2001.

As of March 15, 2001, the Pleadings were closed within the said action and

Plaintiffs named had no standing to sue until 

Probate was applied for at the Surrogate Courts and only then 

The Personal Representatives if appointed

would have the right to initiate a court action on behalf of the deceased.

But a new action would have to be started because.

 The 2-year limitation period for adding or substituting the

Personal Representatives as Plaintiffs had lapsed.


The rest of the dateline will prove how the lawsuit was orchestrated against the Defendants, 

Donald Broder and Craig Broder.


Elizabeth MacInnis ignores the Order of Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich to file the Certificate of Readiness on or before March 15, 2001, as she realized that Action 9703-12949 is frivolous, vexatious, and abuse of court process and that the Plaintiffs she was representing lacked standing to sue in their personal capacity and an Application for Probate must be first Granted by the Surrogate Courts appointing Personal Representatives for whom are the only legal entity that have standing to bring on an action on behalf of a deceased person.


Paragraph 1. The Defendants do not require a jury as the action will be dismissed at the.

Paragraph 2. application to dismiss the Plaintiff’s claim under Rule 129

Paragraph 3. Time is extended for the filing of the Certificate of Readiness to March 15, 2001

Paragraph 4. Only the defendants can attend any Justice for the purpose of extending the time in paragraph 2 and 3.


2001- March 16 – Elizabeth  MacInnis of Weir Bowen is now in Contempt of Court, but at the end of the trial in January 2004 once the decision is order by Justice Myra Bielby – Elizabeth MacInnis has Donald H. Broder sited in contempt of court for not following the 2004 Court Order while all along it is Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen in contempt of Court for not following the March 15, 2001 Court Order of Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich.

FYI: Elizabeth MacInnis has Donald Broder incarcerated at the Edmonton Remand Center from April 23 – May 5, 2004, for not following the 2004 Court Order issued by the trial Judge Justice Bielby while all along it was Elizabeth MacInnis that was in contempt of court for following Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich February 13, 2001 Court Order that order the Certificate of Readiness be filed within this matter on or before March 15, 2001.

I’m glad you asked.

 When did Elizabeth MacInnis file the Certificate of Readiness?

Below is the case management meeting held on May 7, 2003, whereby

Elizabeth MacInnis informs Justice Marceau the Certificate of Readiness was filed on

April 17, 2003.

Donald Broder and Craig Broder’s lawyer

Guy Lacourciere plays along.

For the Record:

Justice J. L. Lewis and Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich Court Orders go missing from the file at Edmonton Law Courts.

The Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich order closed the Pleading within Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench action 9703-12949 at this time and the Justices and Lawyers all start to conspire to orchestrate and frame an innocent 75-year-old senior citizen, Donald H. Broder.  Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen could not proceed to make the Application for Probate as she had just closed the Pleading on herself and now was in a conflict position and not allowed to represent the Beneficiaries because she was acting against Donald H. Broder within action 9703-12949 for which the pleadings were closed.

2001 – April – Master Quinn orders the action is to be struck if Personal Representatives and the Grant of Administration is not obtained at the Surrogate Courts and adjourns the Defendants 129 application to benefit Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen. By adjourning the Defendants application Master Quinn keeps the pleading open. 

2001 – April – Robert Sawers lawyer for Donald Broder and Craig Broder advises his clients that  “in the event of the pending Estate Litigation Donald Broder should consider counsel specializing in Estate Litigation.” That the action he is handling for Donald Broder and Craig Broder did not become an estate matter as the pleadings were closed within the said action before The Application for Probate was filed with the Surrogate Courts.

2001 – April – The Plaintiff’s lawyer, Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen makes the comment that she had been ambushed by the Defendant’s lawyer, Robert Sawers. See “Cross-examination of Guy Lacourciere”

2001 – April – The Defendant’s, Donald Broder and Craig Broder had won Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action 9703-12949 if the Plaintiff’s lawyer, Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen had filed the Certificate of Readiness as per The Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich Order upon conclusion of the 129 application. Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen failed to follow the very Order she had obtained through a motion and was in contempt of Court on March 16, 2001. Evidence will show that Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen had a search warrant issued against Donald H. Broder on his personal residence then incarcerated him in April 23 – May 5, 2004 for not following the March 2004 Court Order issued by the trial Judge Justice Bielby. The Edmonton and Calgary Law Courts have since been made aware that it was Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen that was in contempt of Court at a much earlier date then Donald H. Broder and refuse to incarcerate her on Contempt Charges but rather Justice Karen Horner at Calgary Law Courts told Donald H. Broder it was to late to enforce the Court order Elizabeth MacInnis / Moore of Weir Bowen had not followed and dismissed the court action brought against her for Fraud on the Courts. 

Why: Robert Sawers let Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen set a deadline by way of Court Order to close the pleadings on herself on or before March 15, 2001 prior to filing with The Surrogate Courts the application for Probate knowing that the time allowed by Wachowich for the outstanding Alberta Rules of Court 129 Application within Action 9703-12949 as no Personal Representatives had been formally appointed by the Surrogate Courts, so the claim was frivolous. vexatious, and abuse of the process of court and without Personal Representatives named as Plaintiffs the current Plaintiff’s did not have standing to sue on behalf of the deceased Edmund Broder’s Estate. “Case law referred to during the 129 application was “Mugford vs. Mugford” Newfoundland Court of Appeal.”  

2001 – April – Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen made the comment she had been ambushed; and it is alleged that it was her Father, Chief Justice W. Kenneth Moore, inclusive of his Alberta Justice Department friends, Law Firms, and Lawyer in Edmonton. Alberta, Canada conspired to frame an innocent senior citizen by orchestrating the outcome of Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action 9703-12949 as stated below.

In order for Action 9703-12949 to proceed Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen required substantial assistance from The Alberta Justice Department by; past Chief Justice W. Kenneth Moore “her father”, Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich, Master Quinn, Justice C. P. Clarke, Justice Veit, Justice Bielby and The Alberta Court of Appeal Justices; Carole Conrad, Ronald Berger, and Peter Costigan. Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen would also require the assistance of Donald Broder’s own lawyer Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson to participate in concealing from the trial Judge that the Pleadings were closed on March 15, 2001 prior to the Personal Representatives being appointed and substituted as Plaintiff’s.  Then Elizabeth MacInnis still had to obtain assistance from Bryan Kickham, Donald H. Broder’s defence lawyer to file an Amended  Statement of Defence to conceal from the trial judge that the issue of standing had been raised within paragraph 8 of The Original Statement of Defence filed on July 28, 1997 willfully acting in a conspiracy to frame, defraud and at the orchestrated  the outcome of the trial causing his own client an innocent senior citizen to be wrongfully imprisoned for 11 days in the Edmonton Remand Center by;

  • Master Quinn purposely delayed his decision to provide Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen time to apply for Probate before the Pleadings close.
  • Master Quinn then made his decision that an Appeal would be necessary to purposely delay the closing of the Pleadings and buy more time for Elizabeth MacInnis to apply for probate.
  • Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen made the Application for Probate during the Justice Departments orchestrated delay that way the copy of the Application for Probate sent to Robert Sawers for information purposes would be considered effective service on Donald H. Broder.
  • The Appeal of Master Quinn’s Order was heard before Justice C. P. Clarke he also cooperates with Elizabeth MacInnis and her father past Chief Justice W. Kenneth Moore and orders to add the Personal Representatives as Plaintiff’s to Action 9703-12949 without a formal Notice of Motion as per the Alberta Rules of Court Rule 133 Application purposely and knowingly that excess of the two year limitation period to add or substitute a new party had lapsed within The Court of Queen’s Bench action 9703-12949. 

Did You Know! Elizabeth MacInnis conspired with Donald Broder’s new Lawyer, Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson to get the word amended on the Statement of Defence before the trial to conceal from the trial Judge that; the issue of standing / lack of Personal Representatives had been raised within the Original Statement of Defence, because if the trial Judge becomes aware the issue of standing had been raised at the beginning within the original Statement of Defence.

“Estoppel” would prevent her from relying on the relation back doctrine” for which it was necessary to be relied on by the Plaintiff’s Lawyer, Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen to win the Lawsuit.

The balance of the Dateline will.expose the willful criminal actions committed by The Alberta Justice Department.

Justices willfully conspiring with Lawyers to

orchestrate the outcome of Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action 9703-12949 therefore.

Deliberately framing and defrauding an innocent

75-year-old Canadian Senior Citizen.

Note: The Surrogate Court Tab – references from this point in the dateline and provides evidence that.

  • A Correspondence was written by Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen on May 10, 2001, to Donald Broder and Craig Broder’s Lawyer Robert Sawers of R. J. Sawers and Associates confirming she would serve Donald Broder directly with the Application for Probate and the Notice to Beneficiaries and only provide Robert Sawers of R. J. Sawers and Associates with a copy for information purposes.
  • Donald Broder’s confirms with a proof of receipt from Canada Post that he was served by Registered Mail on May 28, 2001 with the Application for Probate and the Notice to Beneficiaries four days after the Grant of Administration had Ordered within Surrogate Courts Action SES03-113567 on May 24, 2001.
  • The false Affidavit of Service for the Application for Probate sworn by Joan C. Hill legal secretary of Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen confirmed that based on a note to file Robert Sawers has confirmed had had received the copy was not to be considered as effective service as per the Alberta Rules of Court.
  • Robert Sawers of R. J. Sawers and Associates swore an Affidavit that he did not accept service for the Application for Probate and the Notice to Beneficiaries as he had not been retained by Donald Broder for the pending Estate Litigation as he was only on the record for Court of Queen’s Bench Action 9703-12949 for which the Pleadings were closed.
  • Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen was in breach of the Legal Profession Act as she was against Donald Broder within Action 9703-12949 and was in a conflict position by acting for the Estate for which he was a beneficiary.

2001 – May 24Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen made an application for probate and relied on a false Affidavit of Service filed by her own legal secretary, Joan C. Hill; that was based on a memo to file Donald Broder’s Lawyer – Robert Sawers had confirmed he had received the copy of the Application for Probate for information purposes as effective service.

False Affidavit of service filed by Joan C. Hill legal secretary of Elizabeth MacInnis.

Note: Under “DATE OF AFFIDAVIT” December 6, 2001

Shouldn’t the Affidavit of Service be filed before

The Application for Probate was heard at

The Surrogate Courts May 24, 2001?

May 28, 2001 – Donald Broder was not served by registered mail until May 28, 2001, four days after the application was heard and the Grant of Administration was Ordered on May 24, 2001.

 2001 – May 24 – Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen obtained the Grant of Administration at the Surrogate Courts within Action SES03 113567 appointing two of the Plaintiffs as Personal Representatives, even though she was now in a conflict position as per the Legal Profession Act and should not represent the Estate. “Now that she had the Personal Representatives appointed, she would need assistance from the Alberta Justice Department to add them as Plaintiffs within action 9703-12949 after the Limitation Period had expired as per Alberta Limitation of Actions Act.”

2001 – June – Donald Broder and Craig Broder’s Lawyer Robert Sawers of R. J. Sawers and Associates warned Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen he has serious concerns with what she was doing. Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen was in Contempt of Court as of March 16, 2001 within Action 9703-12949 for not filing the Certificate of Readiness as Ordered by Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich on or before March 15, 2001.

2001 – Terrorism is committed against CUPE – Canadian Union of Public Employees – The Clerk of The Court afraid for their jobs are told to shut up and do what their told.


Ignore the Chief Justice Wachowich Court Order!


Terrorism also was committed in 2001 by.The Federal Government of Canada


The Provincial Government of Alberta


 vulnerable 75-year-old

Canadian senior citizens!

Donald H. Broder and Joyce M Broder.


2001 – 9/11 – New York – The World Trade Center terrorist attacks and The Democracies of the free world inclusive of Canada unite to end terrorism but The Alberta and Federal Government of Canada specifically The Alberta Justice Department continues to commit terror on one of their own by conspiring, acting in collusion to orchestrate the outcome of action 9703-12949 and successfully frame an innocent senior citizen.

Note: The Orchestrated Trial Tabreferences from this point in the dateline will provide evidence that after Elizabeth MacInnis made the comment she had been ambushed by Robert Sawers, The Alberta Justice Department, Justices and Lawyers all heard her call for help and colluded to provided assistance to Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen with willful actions of conspiracy to defraud an innocent Senior Citizen by acting in collusion to orchestrate the outcome of the trial of Action 9703-12949 by the willful actions of;

  • Master Quinn providing Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen with an avenue to make a successful application to the Surrogate Courts and obtaining the Grant of Administration to appoint two of the Plaintiff’s as Personal Representatives on May 24, 2001 denying Donald Broder of his Constitutional Rights by placing a gag order on him not to interfere.
  • Justice C. P. Clarke on November 2, 2001 circumvented the Alberta Rules of Court during the Appeal of Master Quinn by winking at Robert Sawers while ordering that Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen had leave of the Court to Amended the Amended Statement of Claim and add the Personal Representatives as Plaintiff’s within Action 9703-12949 without a formal Court Application as it was now over 4 years since the July 8, 1997 Statement of Claim had been filed for which was clearly outside the Statute of Limitations 2 year deadline to add or substitute a new Plaintiff as per Alberta New Limitation Act for which prejudiced Donald Broder and Craig Broder’s defence and denied them of their Constitutional Rights. This leads Donald Broder firing Robert Sawers and Guy Lacourciere of Lacourciere and Associates is retained to acted on behalf of the Defendants Donald and Craig Broder.
  • Guy Lacourciere of Lacourciere and Associates immediately colludes with Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen by participating in a second round of Case Management meeting whereby Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen misled Justice Marceau that the conditional Certificate of Readiness had been filed on April 17, 2003 willful concealing from Justice Marceau that the Order of Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich had directed the Certificate of Readiness be filed on or before March 15, 2001 and that Elizabeth MacInnis was in Contempt of Court. Guy Lacourciere filed a Cease to Act on October 30, 2003 – 2 1/2 month prior to the schedule trial within the said of January 19 – 23, 2004 as he had cooperated with Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen during a case management meeting with Justice Marceau in by allowing her to be granted a Court Order to have Donald Broder place the trophy in his office just to get it out of Donald Broders possession.
  • Bill Kenny of Miller Thomson for whom provided the reference that he had spoken with Bryan Kickham in his office and that Donald Broder should make contact to retain him to act on his behalf and represent him at the scheduled trial of January 19 – 23, 2004.
  • Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson acting on behalf of Donald Broder colluded with Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen by obtaining permission from the Courts “FIAT” on January 9, 2004 to Amend the Statement of Defence, 10 days before the scheduled trial of January 19 – 23, 2004 backdating it to January 9, 2003 to a per-conditional Certificate of Readiness April 17, 2003 date forges Justice Breitkriez second signature knowingly that the word Amended on the Statement of Defence would ensure it takes total precedence at trial to purposely conceal from the trial Judge that paragraph 8 within The Original Statement of Defence filed on July 28, 1997 raised the issue of standing / lack of Personal Representatives and the Statement of Defence to the Amended Statement of Claim had raised Estoppel thereby colluding and framing his own client Donald Broder by assisting Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen to Orchestrate the outcome and ensure that Estoppel would not prevent her from relying on the Principle of Relation Back and that would ensure her winning the trial within action 9703-12949.
  • The official transcripts of Guy Lacourciere ‘s cross examination of his affidavit provided evidence that when a Statement of Defence is Amended it becomes total precedence and that the pleadings on record for the trial Judge would only include the Amended Statement of Defence and not include the Original Statement of Defence or the Statement of Defence to the Amended Statement of Claim.
  • Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson also made the request that he should call Donald Broder and Craig Broder’s first lawyer on the record Joseph Kueber of Bryan and Company to testify at trial for which was also orchestrated as Joseph Kueber brought to Court two irrelevant Pre-Statement of Claim correspondences purposely not bringing the two Post-Statement of Claim correspondences that also raise the issue of standing/ lack of Personal Representatives.
  • Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen misleads “perjury” Justice Myra Bielby during the closing arguments of the trial when asked as to the first time the issue of standing / lack of Personal Representatives was raised; answers early 2001 during the jury trial application before Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich, knowingly that it had been raised within the Original Statement of Defence on July 28, 1997 and also was raised within two October 1997 correspondences issued by Joseph Kueber of Bryan and Company.

2001 – November – Robert Sawers explains immediately after my 129 appeal of Master Quinn’s order that Justice C. P. Clarke was winking as he ordered that Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen could add the Personal Representatives as Plaintiffs without a Court Application purposely favoring Elizabeth MacInnis by circumventing the Alberta Rules of Court Rule 133 for which must be followed to add or substitute a new party to an action “The Personal Representatives.” Justice C. P. Clarke knowingly was assisting Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen to add the Personal Representatives prior to the Pleadings being closed at the conclusion of the 129 Appeal. Circumventing the Rules of Court to favor Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen by not requiring an Application to add new Plaintiff. Justice C. P. Clarke acted in collusion for which prejudiced Donald Broder and Craig Broder’s defence as the deadline of the two-year limitation period as legislated within the Statute; Alberta’s “New Limitation of Actions Act” adopted March 1, 1999 which defines a deadline of two years to add or substitute a new Plaintiff. Case Law: Rocklake Enterprises vs. Timberjack

2001 – November – Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen obtained the assistance of the Justice Department specifically Justice C. P. Clarke to amend the Amended Statement of Claim and add the Personal Representatives as Plaintiffs within action 9703-12949 more than 3 years after the original Statement of Claim file date of July 8, 1997 and during the Defendant’s Donald Broder and Craig Broder’s Appeal of Master Quinn decision. Willfully circumventing that the expiration of the Limitation Period of 2 years had lapsed to add or substitute a new Plaintiff within the said action.

2001 – December – Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen has her legal secretary Joan C. Hill file a false and misleading Affidavit of Service for Surrogate Court Action SES03 113567.

Note: See the Surrogate Court Tab: Paragraph 3 of the Affidavit of Service. Quote: “I am informed from a review of a memo to file dated May 15, 201 the relevant portion of which is attached as Exhibit “B” from the May 14, 2001, time sheet, the relevant portion of which is attached as Exhibit “C” and by Elizabeth MacInnis and do verily believe that Mr. Sawers advised Elizabeth M. MacInnis on May 14, 2001, that he had received the copy of the Application for the Grant of Administration which was sent to him.” Robert Sawers had only agreed to accept a copy for information purposes because the pleadings were closed within Action 9703-12949 for which he was retained a defence council for Donald Broder and Craig Broder, and effective service would have to be directly on all the Beneficiaries inclusive of Donald Broder. Elizabeth MacInnis was in a conflict position and should have not been allowed to represent the Estate in a non-bias and non-prejudiced manner after she had been in a litigation against Donald Broder for over 4 1/2 years and just force the pleadings closed on herself by way of Court Order.

2002- January – Robert Sawers was fired because Donald Broder and Craig Broder were upset thinking he had been served for the Application for Probate and did not notify us. The evidence will prove the Pleadings were closed within Action 9703-12949 on March 15, 2001 prior to the Application for Probate and Robert Sawers had only agreed to be provided a copy of the Notice to Beneficiaries and The Application for the Grant of Administration for information purposes.

2002 – January – Guy Lacourciere of Lacourciere Cervini replaced Robert Sawers of R. J. Sawers and Associates as defence council for the Defendants, Donald Broder and Craig Broder.

2002 – November 2 – Guy Lacourciere correspondence to Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen suggesting she confirm if anyone in her office is speaking to the judges, their staff, or the clerks, behind the Broders backs.

*******Guy Lacourciere – November 2, 2002 correspondence to Elizabeth MacInnis alleging that someone from Weir Bowen was speaking to judges, their staff, or the clerks. (PDF full version)

2002 – November – Guy Lacourciere files a Statement of Defence to the Amended Amended Statement of Claim and raises within the Defence Pleadings “Estoppel” but willfully conceals the Wachowich Order had closed the Pleadings on March 15, 2001, prior to the Application for Probate and the Personal Representatives being substituted as Plaintiff’s within action 9703-12949.

Note: Guy Lacourciere does not Amend the Original Statement of Defence but files a second Statement of Defence to the Amended Amended Statement of Claim because at trial the trial Judge would be able to see that the issue of standing was raised within the Original Statement of Defence and that Estoppel had been raised within the Statement of Defence to the Amended Amended Statement of Claim. This procedure was to ensure the trial Judge would be privy to having on the record as per Alberta Rules of Court Rule 239 both the Original Statement of Defence and the Statement of Defence to the Amended Amended Statement of Claim for the Courts to be made aware of all the issues that had been raised as Defence Pleadings.

Note: If the Statement of Defence had been Amended it would become total precedence and the Trial Judge would not have on the record the Original Statement of Defence. “See Guy Lacourciere’s cross-examination.”

2003 – May 7Elizabeth MacInnis misleads Justice Marceau that; “The Certificate of Readiness” had been filed on April 17, 2003, while all along it was Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen that obtained a Court Order from Justice J. L. Lewis to file The Certificate of Readiness and close the Pleading by February 15, 2001 immediately following the; “Jury Trial Application” that went before Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich on February 13, 2001. As per the Defendants lawyer Robert Sawers  request The Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich extended the time to file The Certificate of Readiness to;  “on or before March 15, 2001” immediately following the Defendants 129 Application; challenging the issue of lack of standing as the action 9703-12949 lacked standing in Court only Personal Representative had the right to bring an action and at this time Probate had never been applied for and as such Personal Representatives did not exist and as such the Plaintiff’s in their personal capacity lacked standing to sue on behalf of a deceased. Supporting case law was provided “Mugford vs. Mugford”

The Wachowich Order was never followed and

Guy Lacourciere lawyer for the Defendant

Donald Broder and Craig Broder

allowed Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen

lawyer for the Plaintiffs to mislead

Justice Marceau by confirming

The Certificate of Readiness

had been filed on April 17, 2003.

See below. 

  2003 – May 22 – Elizabeth MacInnis files a new Statement of Claim on behalf of the Beneficiaries at the Edmonton Law Courts May 22, 2003, two days before the two year limitation period expires from the time Probate was granted on May 24, 2001, leaves it in abeyance and never serves it in the event she is caught and forced to close the pleadings within the said  action on March 15, 2001 before the Application for Probate and The Statement of Claim within Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action 9703-12949 is struck.

2003 – Guy Lacourciere of Lacourciere Associates and Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen suggested that the Trophy be put on eBay to get a value Don Shaufler from Innis Montana is the highest bidder.

2003 – Don Shaufler contacts Donald H Broder and an agreement to lease The Broder Buck with a conditional sale for $171,000 US is made.

2003 – October – Guy Lacourciere files a cease to act because Donald Broder refuses to place the Trophy in his office and purposely leaves Donald Broder and Craig Broder without a lawyer just 3 months before the scheduled trial.

1) – Guy Lacourciere is aware the Pleadings were closed March 15, 2001 before Personal Representatives were appointed at the Surrogate Courts and as such were not named as Plaintiff’s within the said action.

2) Guy Lacourciere is aware the Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen with the assistance of Justice C. P. Clarke substituted the Personal Representatives the said action as Plaintiff’s in November of 2001, excess of 4 years since the original Statement of Claim filed date of July 8, 1997 for which breached the Limitation of Actions Act specified 2-year limitation period to add or substitute a new Plaintiff. 

3) – Guy Lacourciere also filed a second Statement of Defence that plead “Estoppel” to The Amended Amended Statement of Claim so the trial Judge must see the Original Statement of Defence that raised the issue of lack of Personal Representatives for “Estoppel” to prevent Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen from relying on The Relation Back Doctrine to win the lawsuit.   

“So, you asked why Donald H. Broder lost the lawsuit”

2003 – NovemberWithout legal representation Donald Broder calls Bill Kenny of Miller Thomson’s and is referenced to call Bryan Kicham of Miller Thomson to act on his behalf for the scheduled trial of January 19, – 23, 2004.

2003 – December Joseph Kueber of Bryan and Company is successful in obtaining a summary dismissal for Craig Broder as a means of protection for his own family.

Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen needs another lawyer to act on behalf of Donald H Broder so she can get away with what she is up to!

That easy let’s see how hard it was for Donald H. Broder to hire a lawyer that was against him right from the minute the retainer check was cashed!

Bryan Kickham from Miller Thomson

to the rescue

his ambition

to cash the retainer check

and go to work against you immediately.

Let’s clarify what

Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen


Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson

to do.


Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen new she couldn’t ask

Donald H. Broder to

obtain a FIAT “Permission to Amend the Statement of Defence” on

 January 9, 2004

back date the FIAT on the front page of The Amended Statement of Defence to

January 9, 2003 

to predate the false Certificate of Readiness file date of

April 17, 2003

and forge the second judge signature below the false date added in below the



2004 – January 9 Donald Broder’s lawyer, Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson goes to work against his own client and obtains a FIAT on January 9, 2004

just 10 days before the schedule trial date of January 19, 2004 

Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson proceeds to Amend the Statement of Defence and backdates the FIAT “permission to amend” it to January 9, 2003, prior to the false Certificate of Readiness date of April 17, 2003 for the sole purpose the Amended Statement of Defence would take total precedence at the trial and then the trial Judge.

Justice Bielby would not know that the issue of standing / lack of Personal Representatives had been raised within paragraph 8 of. The Original Statement of Defence 

as the Amended Statement of Defence is a replica of the Statement of Defence to The Amended Amended Statement of Claim for which

Estoppel had been plead.

Bryan Kickham had to get the word Amended on the Statement of Defence

Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson committed this act of Fraud

shortly after he cashed the retainer check provided to him by Donald H. Broder. 


Bryan Kirkham’s mug shot again!


Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson was retained by Donald H. Broder in November 0f 2003 immediately following

Guy Lacourciere filing a cease to act on October 30. 2003.

Below – The Procedural Record Print proving the true date the FIAT was granted by the Courts!



Guy Lacourciere being cross examined on his Affidavit, confirms in line 19 – 27.


The Amended Statement of Defence takes total precedence at trial and for Estoppel to prevent Elizabeth MacInnis from relying on the Relation Back Doctrine the trial judge would have to see the Original Satement of Defence and the Statement of Defence to the Amended Amended Statement of Claim. Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson, Donald H. Broder’s own lawyer just make sure the trial Judge; Justice Bielby would not see The Original Statement of Defence and only see the Amended Statement of Defence. These actions of Donald H. Broder’s own defence lawyer; Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson just ensured the Plaintiff’s lawyer; Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen would win at trial by ensuring the trial Judge would only see the issues raised within the Amended Statement of Defence and therefore. 

1. Concealing from the trial Judge; Justice Bielby as to the first time the issue of standing / lack of Personal Representatives was raised ‘ frivolous, vexatious and abuse of the court process” was contained within paragraph 8 of the Original Statement of Defence for which was filed on July 28, 1997.

2. Knowingly that Estoppel had been plead within the Statement of Defence to the Amended Amended Statement of Claim and would not be effective unless the trial Judge saw that the issue of standing had been raised within the Original Statement of Defence.

Page 28 Cross Examination of Guy Lacourciere on his Affidavit

Provides proof that when Elizabeth MacInnis’s  lips are flapping she’s just another lying lawyer.

Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen lied under oath when asked by The Trial Judge Justice Myra Bielby.

When was the first time the Defendants raised the issue of Lack of Personal Representatives?

Guy Lacourciere also admits he told the

Alberta Court of Appealline 1 – 11


See below.

 Justice Bielby asks. 

 Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen

during closing arguments at trial on January 23, 2004.

When was the first time the defendants raised the issue of lack of personal representatives?

 See line 30 below.Argumentsbymacinnis2

 Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen committed perjury.

“As the first time the issue of lack of Personal Representatives was raised was not;”

“early 2001”

but plead within the.

Original Statement of Defence filed within the said action on July 28, 1997.Argumentsbymacinnis3

2004 – January 9 – Donald Broder’s Lawyer Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson does not ensure that Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen files a copy of all the Pleading on the record for the Trial Judge Justice Bielby as per “Alberta Rules of Court Rule 239”, purposely allowing Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen to conceal “The Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich Order”, whereby it would have provided the trial Judge Justice Bielby the knowledge that the Pleadings within the said action were closed on March 15, 2001 well before the Application for Probate to appoint Personal Representatives had been filed within Surrogate Court Action SES 113567 in May, 2001 then proceeded to a desk application and granted on May 24, 2001.

2004 – January 9Just 10 days before the commencement of the scheduled trial January 19, 2004 within Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action No: 9703-12949 ; Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen with the assistance of The Alberta Justice Department inclusive of past Chief Justice W. Kenneth Moore, Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich, Justice C. P. Clarke “Alberta Court of Appeal” for whom substituted the Personal Representatives as Plaintiff’s after the applicable limitation period had expired, Justice Belzil “Surrogate Court” for whom granted probate without confirmation on file that Donald H. Broder was served  and Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson “Donald Broder’s own Lawyer” for whom had colluded and conspired to successfully orchestrate the trial books and conceal the original Statement of Defence from the trial Judge; Justice Bielby collaborating to ensure the outcome of Broder vs. Broder Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action No:  9703-12949 was in favor of the daughter past Chief Justice W. Kenneth Moore – Elizabeth MacInnis / Moore. 

2004 – January 10 – Donald Broder receives a phone call from his defence lawyer; Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson for whom explains that they have no defence and will lose at trial, so Donald H. Broder fires him immediately, with panic in his voice; Bryan Kickham responded, “you fired me” and then he was told by Donald Broder “I do not need a lawyer if I am going to lose”.

2004 – January 10 – The Orchestration of the Trial is achieved by The Alberta Justice Department, Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen and Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson and conspiracy between all involved to frame an innocent senior citizen, Action 9703-12949 has been successfully orchestrated to frame Donald Broder by the willful involvement of his own defence Lawyer Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson.

2004 – January 15- Guy Lacourciere of Lacourciere Cervini / Associates agrees to assist by phone with the trial, edits opening and closing statements by fax and is to provide direction and then also participates in this conspiracy to frame Donald Broder by concealing pertinent information that the Certificate of Readiness for which closed the Pleadings within the said action on March 15, 2001 was ordered by Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich and that the Original Statement of Defence had raised the issue of standing, lack of Personal Representatives and that the Amended Statement of Defence filed by Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson on January 9, 2004 backdated to January 9, 2003 to predate the false Certificate of Readiness date of April 17, 2003 and was purposeful and with intent to frame and defraud his own client Donald H. Broder by concealing that;  “the issues of lack of Personal Representatives had been raised within the Original Statement of Defence on July 28, 1997” from the trial Judge; Justice Myra Bielby.

2004 – January 19 – Craig Broder is granted permission of the Courts to speak for Donald Broder during the trial. 2004 – January 19 – Craig Broder reads Donald Broder’s Opening Statements immediately following the Opening Statements as delivered by Elizabeth MacInnis.

2004 – January 19 – 23 -Donald Broder and Craig Broder do not know that the trial Judge Justice Bielby would not be privy to see the Original Statement of Defence and the Statement of Defence to the Amended Statement of Claim, and that the Amended Statement of Defence would take total precedence.

2004 – January 20 – Joseph Kueber of Bryan and Company brings two pre-statement of Claim correspondences to the Law Courts to testify too purposely not bringing the two post-statement of claim correspondences that raised the issue of standing as per Alberta Rules of Court Rule 129.

2004 – January – Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson has successfully colluded with Joseph Kueber of Bryan & Company’s to orchestrate his testimony at the trial to include irrelevant April 1997 – pre-July 8, 1997 Statement of Claim correspondences purposely to conceal correspondences issued in October 1997 – post-July 8, 1997 Statement of Claim that also raised the issue of standing, Alberta Rules of Court Rule 129.

2004 – January 23 – During the closing arguments of the trial; Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen misleads the presiding trial Judge Justice Bielby when questioned as to the first time the issue of standing / lack of Personal Representatives was raised, Elizabeth MacInnis provides an answer to Justice Bielby early 2001 during the Jury Trial Application and as the evidence will prove it was plead within the Original Statement of Defence, July 28, 1997 – paragraph 8, and also raised within two Correspondences in October 1997.

2004 – March – Justice Bielby comment within her reasons for decision that the Personal Representatives are entitle to the trophy base on “the principle of relation back.” 2004 – MarchJustice Bielby also makes the comment within her reasons for decision of the trial that:

[82] ” The Defendant led evidence from then counsel, Joseph Kueber to the effect that Mr. Kueber wrote to Plaintiff’s counsel in April, 1997 advising that he would advance a limitations defence but neither of his letters expressly raised the issue of the Plaintiffs’ standing to sue at that time which, in any case, was before the original Statement of Claim was filed. Therefore, those letters create no estoppel which would prevent the application of the principle of relation back.

Early April 2004Elizabeth MacInnis obtains a Court order to send a process server George Butler with a search warrant to locate The Broder Buck and be escorted by the Didsbury RCMP and a local locksmith to Donald Broder residence with instruction to search the premises – and do whatever it takes to break down doors, open locks and seize the Broder Buck. When they arrived, unannounced, only Joyce Broder was home already suffering with the initial stages of Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Joyce Broder is home alone and threatened and intimidated so she lets them in without any resistance. The RCMP seizes The Broder Buck replica and delivers it to Elizabeth MacInnis. When MacInnis is told by a local taxidermist look at the Broder Buck it is a replica. Elizabeth MacInnis was so pissed off that an old lady with Dementia forgot to tell the RCMP it was not the real Broder Buck. MacInnis then has Donald Broder served to appear in court on April 23, 2004, to face contempt of court charges for not following the trial Judge Justice Bielby’s, March 2004 Court Order to turn over the Broder Buck. Joyce Broder didn’t remember what she had told them, but she made fools out of them all.

2004 – April 23 –  Donald Broder was served to appear in court on April 23, 2004 to face possible Contempt of Court charges whereby Elizabeth MacInnis requests the Justice Bielby should teach Donald Broder a lesson and incarcerates him until he obeys  2004 Court Order to turn over the Broder Buck to he office of Elizabeth MacInnis that followed the January 19 – 23, 2004 trial, when all along it was Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen that was in Contempt of Court for not following the Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich Court Order that compelled her to file the Certificate of Readiness within the said action on of before March 15, 2001 that would have closed the Pleadings before she had applied for Probate to appoint Personal Representatives and as such the litigation had no standing and would be dismissed.    

Excerpts from the April 23, 2004, hearing: THE COURT – Justice Bielby says: Excuse me. Let me finish. I will however direct in light of your age that your son Craig Broder can take your place in custody, should he choose to do so. I also direct that you be brought back before me at 9:30 next Monday morning, which is the 27th – is it — of April. Ms. MACINNIS: That would be the 26th, I believe, My Lady.

2004 – April 23False imprisonment Ordered by; Justice Myra Bielby as of against Donald H. Broder on alleged contempt of court charges for not following her 2004 Court Order to return the trophy, knowingly as per Alberta Rules of Court Rule 239, whereby the trial Judge was to have been provided with a copy of all the pleadings prior to the commencement of the trial and should have be aware it was Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen that had not followed the 2001 Court Order of the Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich that closed the pleadings on March 15, 2001 and prior to the Application for Probate and the Grant of Administration on May 24, 2001 appointing Personal Representatives.

2004 – April 23 – Friday – Donald H. Broder is taken into custody and locked up in the Edmonton Remand Centre, finally gets to call out at 12:00 noon on Saturday, reaches his son to explain he has not been provided with a meal or allowed to see a Medical Doctor for his medication to be re-prescribed. He is held in custody for 11 days and brought back before Justice Myra Bielby as per her direction.

2004 – April 26 – Monday – “Donald H. Broder is brought back before Justice Myra Bielby at 10:00 AM and when his son Craig Broder tries to address Justice Bielby about the Justice Department and Lawyers abusing a senior citizen and about Justice Myra Bielby speaking or making suggestion with regards to Craig Broder taking his Fathers place in Jail without the respect to request his attendance and speak to him directly. Justice Bielby tells Craig Broder that he need not come back to the Courts.”

2004 – April 29 – Justice Bielby also ordered that: “The Clerk of the Court is directed to have the transcript of the evidence given by Donald Broder and Craig Broder at the trial, and of this day’s proceedings prepared and referred to the Attorney General with a request for an investigation into possible criminal charges that could be laid against Don Broder and Craig Broder for perjury, obstruction of justice or any other appropriate charges.”

2004 May 4 – While Donald Broder was incarcerated at The Edmonton Remand Center for alleged contempt of Court charges held for 11 days without being read his Miranda Rights; Guy Lacourciere contacts Donald Broder’s wife Joyce Broder and convinces her to transfer $235,000.00 Cad. from Toronto Dominion Bank in Olds, Alberta to Lacourciere Cervini’s Canada Trust Account in Calgary, Alberta to purchase the trophy back and when the buyer refuses to sell it back, Guy Lacourciere turns the money over to Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen when there was a Court Order to turn the money over to Donald Broder criminal Lawyer Marvin Bloos of Beresh Depoe Cunningham and currently Justice Myra Bielby releases Donald Broder from custody. 

2004 – Justice Bielby also fines Donald Broder $53,000 for uncooperating with her February – 2004 Court Order to turn over the Trophy to The Personal Representatives but does not disclose that it was Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen that had not followed an the March 15, 2001 deadline as Ordered by Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich to closed the pleadings within action 9703-12949 prior to the Application for Probate to appoint Personal Representatives at the Surrogate Courts and as such the plaintiffs within the said action did not have standing to sue as they had no legal or equitable right to the possession only personal representatives have such a right.   

2004 – May – While Donald Broder is being held in custody; Guy Lacourciere resumes acting as legal counsel for Donald Broder without obtaining permission protecting the matter from going criminal as Donald Broder had retained a criminal lawyer Marvin Bloos from Beresh Depoe Cunningham for whom also takes thousands of dollars and willfully conceals thereby concealing the vital information from his own client Donald Broder.  

2004May -The Edmonton Law Courts / Alberta Justice Department holds an auction to sell the defrauded property and it is resold to the same American citizen; Don Shauffler from Innis, Montana USA for an additional $55,000 US for a total sum paid by Don Shauffler of $225,000 US, excess of $320,000 Cdn of which all the proceeds were turned over to Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen. Elizabeth MacInnis was going to have a great payday considering she was the lawyer that made the comment that she had been ambushed by Donald Broder’s lawyer Robert Sawers in March of 2001. Elizabeth MacInnis then deducted $150,000 for legal costs against the proceeds of the Estate of Edmund Broder. The orchestration of Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Action 9703-12949 has concluded, and all the siblings of the entire Broder family have also now been ambushed by The Alberta Justice Department in order to protect a Lawyer; Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen because she had closed the pleading on herself on March 15, 2001 before she applied for probate to appoint Personal Representatives on May 24, 2001.

2004 – May – The Federal Government of Canada and The Progressive Conservative Provincial Government of Alberta have just completed a sale of stolen private property “the trophy” for which all Justices and master’s involved conspired with Lawyers to extort from Edmund Broder “deceased” to an innocent American Citizen, Don Schaufler from Innis, Montana for a total sum of $225,000 US. As the evidence will prove, The Alberta Justice Ministers past and present inclusive of Alison Redford have played The United States Government by standing on the sidelines and now knowing of the fraudulent activities of The Alberta Justice Department and now an innocent citizen of The United States of America, Don Schaufler from Innis Montana is in possession of stolen property. 

Note: The Alberta Court of Appeal Tab references from this point in the dateline and provides evidence that; Guy Lacourciere had been rehired to act for Donald Broder and file an Appeal of Justice Bielby’s with The Alberta Court of Appeal. Alberta Appeal Court Justices; Carole Conrad, Peter Costigan and Ronald Berger.

Were made aware by Donald Broder’s Lawyer Guy Lacourciere within the Appeal Books that conspiracy to defraud Donald Broder had taken place by his own Lawyers acting in collusion with the Plaintiff’s Lawyer Elizabeth MacInnis to orchestrate the outcome of the trial within Action 9703-12949 and also chose to be willful participants within this act of conspiracy to defraud an innocent senior citizen by depriving Donald Broder of his Constitutional Rights by purposely disregarding the evidence that was before them had proved that;

  • The Original Statement of Defence filed on July 28, 1997 as contained within paragraph 8 had raised the issue of standing / lack of Personal Representatives and that Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen had committed perjury when she was asked during the closing arguments of the trial on January 23, 2004 by Justice Bielby when the first time the Defendants raised the issue of lack of Personal Representatives and Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen provide the answered “early 2001.”
  • The Statement of Defence to the Amended Amended Statement of Claim filed by Guy Lacourciere in November 2002 had plead Estoppel.
  • An Amended Statement of Defence was filed by Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson being granted a FIAT “permission to amend” on January 9, 2004 – backdating it to January 9, 2003 his own willful actions to conspire to defraud his own client knowing that the Amended Statement of Defence would take total precedence at trial and conceal the issues that were raised within the Original Statement of Defence and the Statement of Defence to the Amended Amended Statement of Claim.
  • The Personal Representatives had been add / substituted as Plaintiff’s within Action 9703-12949 outside the 2-year applicable limitation periods allowed under the New Limitation of Action Act adopted March 1, 1999.
  • Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson and Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen had orchestrated a false contempt charge against an innocent senior citizen which led to wrongful imprisonment, torture, and conspiracy to defraud him thereby depriving him of his human dignity until he succumbed to The Alberta Justice Departments demands.

The Alberta Appeal Court Justices: Carole Conrad, Peter Costigan, and Ronald Berger let Donald Broder off on the alleged contempt of Court Charge based on a technicality then reduced his fine from $53,000. that was imposed against him by Justice Bielby to $28,500. Contained within the Cross-Examination of Guy Lacourciere he made the statement that the Appeal Courts had made comment that Elizabeth MacInnis had been ambushed and he said to the Appeal Courts no one was ambushed because the issue of standing / lack of Personal Representatives was raised within the Original Statement of Defence.

  • The Alberta Appeal Court Justices Carole Conrad, Peter Costigan, and Ronald Berger also conspired to defraud an innocent senior citizen and depriving him of his Constitutional Rights by acting in collusion by not exposing the fraud on the Courts being committed by Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen and Bryan Kickham of Miller Thomson.
  • The Alberta Justice Department / Transcript Management deleted Donald Broder’s opening statements off the trial audio.
  • The Alberta Justice Department / Transcript Management purposely excluded the Orders of Justice J. L. Lewis and Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich from the Alberta Court of Appeal Books.

2004 – Guy Lacourciere is retained to file an Appeal with the Alberta Court of Appeal, and includes in the Appeal Books; the Original Statement of Defence that raised the issue of standing / lack of Personal Representatives and the Statement of Defence to the Amended Amended Statement of Claim for which had plead Estoppel and also the transcripts of the closing Arguments of the trial from January 23, 2004 whereby evidence had been provided to the Alberta Court of Appeal that Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen had committed Perjury with her answer to Justice Bielby as to the first time the issue of standing / lack of Personal Representatives was raise. The presiding Justices: Justice Carole Conrad, Ronald Berger, and Peter Costigan acting bias, prejudiced and in collusion with Elizabth MacInnis of Weir Bowen dismiss the contempt charge on a technicality but uphold Justice Bielby’s decision thereby reducing the fine against Donald Broder for Court costs associated with the alleged Contempt of Court. Donald Broder had retained a Criminal Lawyer Marvin Bloos of Beresh Depoe Cunningham, for whom accepted $20,000 and was also on a milking run against an innocent senior.

See: Cross-Examination of Guy Lacourciere May 26, 2010 (partial version) within the Orchestrated Trial tab. (from Page 28 line 1 – 24)

Q. Did you raise in your submissions — did you raise the issue that the first-time lack of personal representatives was raise was not early 2001, which is tab A, page 13, Sawers Motion, but was plead within the original statement of defence?

A. As a matter of fact, it was told to the court of appeal. The comment was made by the court of appeal – well, you ambushed Ms. MacInnis and we said, no, nobody was ambushed in respect to this. The Matter was raised at the beginning in the statement of defence.

Q. What you mean by “‘ambushed Ms. MacInnis.’

A. The court had asked the question.

Q. If we ambushed Elizabeth MacInnis?

A. It appears to us that Ms. MacInnis may have been ambushed by the motion, by Sawyer, in respect to — in respect to the motion that had been filed in 2001. And at that point in time what I had told the court of appeal is that the matter had originally been set out in the statement of defence.

Q. I need some clarification that we ambushed Elizabeth MacInnis.

Mr. Wong: That’s what the court of appeal said. The questions were asked to provide needed evidence that Elizabeth MacInnis had misled the trial Judge Justice Bielby during the closing Arguments of the trial on January 23, 2004.

See: Arguments by Ms. MacInnis at the trial of 9703-12949 of the trial (partial version pages 389, 407 and 408) s 407 & 408 from the Alberta Court of Appeal Books) within the Orchestrated Trial tab Page 407 of the closing arguments by Ms. MacInnis quote.

THE COURT: When is the first time the defendants raised the issue of the lack of personal representatives?

MS. MACINNIS: The application was heard in April of 2001, and we were first told about it in around January or February of that year. I could check the correspondence to confirm for sure. I know it was raised when the defendants made application before Chief Justice Wachowich for a jury trial in February of 2001, and he set a deadline in which time they had to make the application.

THE COURT: Okay, So the first time, even in correspondence to you as counsel for the plaintiffs that this issue was raised, was early 2001?

Page 408 of the closing arguments by Ms. MacInnis quote.

MS. MACINNIS: That’s correct, My Lady. I can say that.

THE COURT: Thank you.

**************      Re quote from above     

**************** See: Cross-Examination of Guy Lacourciere May 26, 2010 (partial version) within the Orchestrated Trial tab. (from Page 28 line 1 – 24)

Q. Did you raise in your submissions — did you raise the issue that the first-time lack of personal representatives was raise was not early 2001, which is tab A, page 13, Sawers Motion, but was plead within the original statement of defence?

A. As a matter of fact, it was told to the court of appeal. The comment was made by the court of appeal – well, you ambushed Ms. MacInnis and we said, no, nobody was ambushed in respect to this. The Matter was raised at the beginning in the statement of defence.

“The Alberta Court of Appeal Justices Carole Conrad, Ronald Berger and Peter Costigan became aware that Elizabeth MacInnis committed perjury to Justice Bielby, fraud on the courts, and obstruction of justice for which was the direct cause of falsely imprisoning an innocent 75 year old senior citizen, but chose to also conspire and punish Donald Broder for whom was not even aware that his defence lawyer Robert J. Sawers was being accused of ambushing the Plaintiff’s lawyer Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen.” Upon conclusion of the trial and as contained within the Reasons for Judgment of Justice M. B. Bielby it was decided that; See: Reasons for Judgment of the Honorable Justice M. B. Bielby (full version) PDF – within the Orchestrated Trial tab.  Quote; Page 2: This action is nonetheless not statute-barred, nor a nuility through application of s. 61(1) (b) of the Limitations of Actions Act, R.S.A. 1980, c. L-15 (“the Limitations of Actions Act”) or, alternatively, through application of principle of “relation back”. [82] The Defendant led evidence from his then counsel, Joseph Kueber to the effect that Mr. Kueber wrote to Plaintiffs’ counsel in April 1997 advising that he would advance a limitation defence but neither of his letters expressly raised the issue of the Plaintiffs’ standing to sue at that time which, was before the original Statement of Claim was filed. Therefore, those letters create no estoppel which would prevent the application of the principle of relation back.

Note: The Supreme Court of Canada Tab references from this point in the dateline and provides evidence that Marvin Bloos of Beresh Depoe Cunnigham did not inform the Supreme Court of Canada that.

  • The Order to file The Certificate of Readiness for which directed the Pleading be closed on or before March 15, 2001 within action 9703-12949 had not been followed and that Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen should have been charged with contempt of Court on March 16, 2001, and not an innocent senior citizen Donald Broder that was framed with a false contempt of Court charge in 2004.
  • Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen obtained The Grant of Administration on May 24, 2001, after a Court Order had set a deadline of March 15, 2001, to file the Certificate of Readiness.
  • Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen had misled Justice Marceau that the conditional Certificate of Readiness had been filed on April 17, 2003.
  • Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen was acting in conflict as she was against Donald Broder within action 9703-12949 for which the pleadings were closed before she applied for probate and for which she would now be acting for Donald Broder as he was also one of the Beneficiaries.
  • Justice C. P. Clarke acted in collusion with Elizabeth MacInnis by adding the Personal Representatives as Plaintiffs within action 9703-12949 and purposely circumvent the pleadings closing and by not following the Alberta Rules of Court as it was without a Court Application a outside the 2-year Limitation Period.
  • Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen had committed perjury by misleading the trial Judge Justice Bielby as to the first time the issue of standing / lack of Personal Representatives was raised was not early 2001 as she confirmed but contained within the Original Statement of Defence filed on July 28, 1997, and had it been made known to the trial Judge Estoppel would have prevented Elizabeth MacInnis from winning the litigation by relying on the relation back doctrine.
  • Bryan Kickham conspired to defraud his own client Donald Broder and innocent senior citizen by obtaining a FIAT on January 9, 2004 to Amended the Statement of Defence, backdated the FIAT date to January 9, 2003 and forged the second signature of Justice Breitkreuz for the sole purpose to conceal the Original Statement of Defence from the trial Judge Justice Myra Bielby.

2006 Marvin Bloos of Beresh Depoe Cunningham was retained by Donald Broder as his criminal lawyer for the alleged contempt of Court charge in 2004 and again to file The Application for Leave to the Supreme Court of Canada and evidence will prove that the only documents, he had included on behalf of his client Donald Broder for the Supreme Court to review were.

  • The Original Statement of Defence was included.
  • The Reasons for Judgment of the Honorable Justice Bielby were included.

The Supreme Court of Canada was informed that justice Bielby had referred within her Reasons for Judgement that had Joseph Kueber of Bryan and Company post Statement of Claim Estoppel raised the issue of standing would prevent Elizabeth is from relying on the relation back doctrine, and by The Supreme Court of Canada should have reviewed the Original Statement of Defence and become aware that the issue of standing had been raised in paragraph 8. Note: The Supreme Court of Canada Tab has the complete; Application for Leave filed at The Supreme Court of Canada as provided by the Clerk’s office of The Supreme Court in PDF. 2006 – April – Marvin Bloos of Beresch Depoe Cunningham confirmed the Supreme Court had dismissed the Application for Leave seems obvious it would not be in the public’s best interest to know what transpired within the Alberta Justice System and could be detrimental to all case that have been before the Courts in Canada if it was exposed that the Alberta Justice Departments participated in collusion, perjury, and conspiracy to defraud an innocent Canadian citizen. 2006 – December – Donald Broder sues Robert Sawers alleging negligence that he accepted service for the Application for Probate and did not notify him.

2008 – March – Donald Broder has heart surgery – valve replacement. 2008 – March – Joyce Broder is admitted permanently to a long-term care facility with Dementia and Alzheimer’s.

2008 – November – Robert Sawers solicitor informs Donald Broder the Pleading were closed prior to the Application for Probate and that the Defendants Donald Broder and Craig Broder had been milked and suggests that we look at the true filed copies of all pleadings within the action.

2008 – November 14 – While reviewing the true filed copies within the Court file at the Clerks of the Courts office in the Edmonton Law Courts, the Clerk said; “please don’t blame us we just do what we are told.”

2008 – November 14 – Edmonton Law Courts Clerk’s office while reviewing the true filed copies of the pleadings, Donald Broder sees the true filed copy of the Wachowich Order, then realizes the Pleadings were closed on March 15, 2001 before the Application for Probate on May 24, 2001 and that he was suing the least guilty Lawyer, Robert J. Sawers.

2008 – December – Donald Broder completes a review of the Alberta Court of Appeal Books and realizes the Opening Statements as read at the trial on his behalf are missing. Re-orders the transcripts of the first and last day of the trial to find the Opening Statements are still not transcribed. Then I, Donald Broder write to Transcript Management explaining the Opening Statements are missing in the transcribed copy to only receive a letter from Alberta Justice -Transcript Management the audio was listened to very carefully and there are no Opening Statements of Donald Broder as we suggest then I also realized that the Justice J. L. Lewis and Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich Orders were also not included in the Alberta Court of Appeal Books.

Note: The Closing Statements Tab will provide.

  • Closing Arguments
  • Victim Impact Statement
  • Acknowledgements

Note: The Ongoing Issues Tab references this point in the dateline.

  • Evidence of collusion within the Calgary Law Courts protecting the Edmonton Judges and Lawyers involved in this crime.
  • Evidence of Health Care Fraud committed by The Alberta Justice Department against an innocent senior citizen for whom is in a permanent care facility with Dementia.
  • Condolences to Mr. Jack Layton’s family with references to his final letter to Canadians.
  • Events planned to remember 9/11 and expose terrorism that is committed by The Alberta Justice Department against innocent Citizen.

2008 – December – Statement of Claim was issued and served on Guy Lacourciere, Bryan Kickham, Joseph Kueber, Elizabeth MacInnis, and Robert Sawers. 2010 – Through these litigations we have obtained answers that have exposed the Crown, Justices and Lawyers for conspiracy, collusion, fraud, and perjury. 2011 – The Calgary Law Courts have dismissed the Statement of Claims against all the Lawyers and Phyllis Smith of Emery Jamieson for whom defended Elizabeth MacInnis has garnisheed Donald Broder’s wife Joyce Broder’s bank account for Court Costs unrelated to her of what money she had left in her savings account that was set aside to pay for the Good Samaritans Permanent Care Facility as she had been diagnosed with Dementia in 2008. 2011 – Master Prowse at Calgary Law Courts tells Donald Broder and George Broder that you cannot sue the Lawyer, “Elizabeth MacInnis” who won, then provides instruction that we could write the trial Judge and request the decision to be reversed and then dismissed the action with cost against Donald Broder and George Broder. 2011 – Donald Broder writes the trial Judge Justice Bielby and copies her with Master Prowse transcripts only to receive a letter from Edmonton Law Courts Master Prowse erred, and that Justice are not allowed to communicate directly with litigants. 2011 – At the Appeal of Master Prowses decision before Justice Karen Horner it was argued that Prowse had erred in providing instruction to write the trial Judge to have the decision reversed and that any Lawyer can be held accountable when they the only reason Elizabeth MacInnis had won was because she had committed Fraud, Obstruction of Justice, and Purgery. 2011 – Justice Karen Horner specifically said her colleague would not have said to write the trial Judge Justice Bielby to have the decision reversed, the Chief Justice A. H. Wachowich Order was too old to enforce and refused to address the perjury committed by Elizabeth MacInnis during the closing arguments of the trial, dismissed the Appeal and order costs against Donald Broder again. The Calgary Law Courts then banned Donald Broder from initiating any further legal action against these Lawyers and has refused to provide transcripts of the Court audio with Justice Karen Horner and Justice Hawko. 2011 – The Justices at Calgary Law Courts banned Donald Broder from initiating any further legal action without leave of the Court as of against Lawyers because his action has been dismissed because they are frivolous, vexatious, and abuse of process as per Alberta Rules of Court Rule 129. Needless to say seems like Donald Broder and Craig Broder had a 129 Application in March 0f 2001 claiming the action against them was frivolous, vexatious, and abuse of process and all the Justices allowed that action to continue, providing legal advice to Lawyers, deleting audio from the trial tapes, Amending the Statement of Defence 10 day before the trial, backdating the FIAT, forging the Judges second signature, circumventing the Rules of Court to substitute a new Plaintiff after the Pleadings were Ordered closed, breaching Court Orders, imposing substantial fines, using intimidation by falsely imprisoning an innocent man, suggesting that his children could take his place in Jail, and now putting Garnishees on his families bank accounts.

The Alberta Justice Department, Lawyers, and ALIA should have figured it out by now that they have gotten away with intimidation as of against others far too often, but now the Broder’s are willing at their expense to expose all the willful actions of all involved to make sure that Canadian Citizens can stand side by side to hold their Provincial and Federal Government’s accountable to the people that our rights and freedoms are upheld as per the Canadian Constitution.

   “We will not fall for fear mongering”

2011 – 9/11 – Commemorates 10 years since the Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centers, and as such should also commemorate an end to the Progressive Conservative Government of Alberta for whose actions of willful blindness has allowed terrorism to run rampant within the Alberta Law Courts.

2012 – April 11 – It is with great sadness the family of Donald H. (Don) Broder announces his passing at the hospital in Sundre, Alberta. September 23, 2011 – Joyce Broder is rushed to hospital from the long term care facility Good Samaritans in Stony Plain, Alberta where she passed away  Donald Broder her husband and his son Craig Broder were served by Emery Jamieson – Phyllis Smith the lawyer representing Elizabeth MacInnis where by the Alberta Court action against her by Donald Broder and Craig Broder had been dismissed by Justice Karen Horner and under the civil enforcement act Phyllis Smith of Emery Jamieson was demanding form 13 to be filed with the courts disclosing everything the Broder’s owned so they could garnish and or seize for court costs associated with the law suit brought against Elizabeth MacInnis. Phyllis Smith of Emery Jamieson was asking the Courts to charge Donald Broder and Craig Broder with Contempt of Court if they did not provide form 13. December 2011 – Donald Broder completed the preparation with all necessary information to have the Broder Buck website designed to completion. April 1, 2012 – Donald Broder stopped taking his blood thinner medication necessary for life at his home in Sundre, Alberta. April 11, 2012 – Donald Broder passed away at Sundre Hospital from blood clots causing kidney failure. March 12 – 2013 – The Commission for complaints against the RCMP were informed as to the negligence of the commanding officer Sgt. Morton at Olds, Alberta detachment and an order was immediately initiated for an investigation which is still ongoing.

Cpl Clint Gulash was the investigator assigned to complete the investigation.

 On 2013-07-26 this correspondence arrives by mail from

G. Gingerysty S/Sgt. District Advisory NCO, Southern Alberta District.

The Crown prosecutor’s office still has not rendered a decision.

The Crown has been told by the Broder’s the right decision is for.

The Crown to criminally charge the Crown and

all Justices and lawyers involved.

As it stands!

2014 – An Appeal has been filed by The Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP in

Surrey, British Columbia and an

Order was issued for all information and documentation

The RCMP in Alberta have on this matter must be sent to Ottawa!


Below the June 16, 2014 response from the

Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP in Ottawa.

Commision for complaints RCMP Ottawa letter

The Law Society of Alberta has

Guy Lacourciere of Lacourciere and Associates

listed on their website for an upcoming hearing.

Law society guy hearing dates

Good old – Guy Lacourciere

Kind of wonder how many clients he has played.

Or maybe it was the Broder’s that have the final play in this game,

Now it’s time to let all of these perpetrators feel the wrath.


The story will be told someday. 

There were two prey an old wise one and a young smart one.

As the legal predators kept getting more vicious the two-prey decided to split up.

These white-collar predators got more vicious and gave chase to the old prey.

Believing the young prey was gone and would never return.

As the predators closed in on the old prey what they were not expecting was the young prey that they thought was gone; 

had now become.

The Predator.


Alison Redford – Justice Minister / Attorney General

Congratulation to your term as Premier while you were Attorney General / Justice Minister your department framed the Broder family’s elderly parents Donald and Joyce Broder and you do not have what it takes to make it right, pathetic is too simple of a description for what you and your government stand for.

This depicts what values you have to offer every time your mouth opens!


This picture is in memory of our parents.

  victims of the corrupt.

Alberta Justice Department.

In Memory of

Donald H.  and Joyce M. Broder


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  11. I found the format hard to follow but I get the idea. Perhaps if you had something written in a story type format it would be easier to communicate the injustice here. I really hope you're successful in fighting this injustice.

  12. Yuppers it does appear pretty bad, a whole lot of covering up and distractions to this file. Like I am surprised Government is so full of rules and regs and people milking the systems for the benefits and the pensions, it is so out f control, just like the runaway train.How did and how come they have never addressed the lack of personal representatives from the get go, how do you imprison a man at his age and with health issues when you are wrong.

    Good on you Craig, hang in there and just maybe…but not likely there is a court that will actually make sense of this mess and put it all to rest while your father is still alive, not likely but maybe.


  13. Bob Woykin

    I have read this entire website and I am flabbergasted that this actually happened in Canada. Call me naive, but I thought our court system was to protect the innocent and penalize the guilty by way of a due and fair process. You have shown with actual court documentation that Fraud was committed by members of the judicial system including judge and lawyers. I hope the government takes note of this and action is taken to right this wrong and improve the system so that innocent people are not treated this way in the future.

    I thought that this kind of stuff only happened in books and movies. This injustice needs to end up as a movie based on a true story.

  14. Shane Luco

    This is OUTRAGEOUS! Please, what is happening with this now?? If this is all true, then people need to go to JAIL!! (and not a 75 year old man, unless it's one of these CORUPT judges!)

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