Justice Departments in Canada silently conspires with lawyers to defraud the life savings from the sick & elderly? – THE SOUNDS OF SILENCE * SIMON & GARFUNKEL
Website exposes
Judicial Corruption in Canada
The link above is a newer version of the
Broder Buck Scandal
on the
Go Daddy platform.
Hazel Broder passed away in 1967 and her daughters claimed her personal affects.
Edmund Broder passed away on December 26, 1968 and his sons claimed his personal affects.
Richard Broder kept the 1914 Model T
Earl Broder took an Ox Blood saddle and blacksmith stuff.
George Broder took some hunting gear and the rifle.
Donald Broder took his Father deer head trophy.
Then in 1997 they all sued
Donald Broder and Craig Broder for the return of the Trophy Buck.
All Donald Broder requested was that an Administrator be appointed through
The Surrogate Courts if it was too late as it was almost 30 years since Edmunds passing.
And the Administrator make a demand that all Edmund Broder personal belongings be returned.
Not just The Trophy Buck Donald Broder had in his possession!
And it was plead in the Statement of Defence.
The Broder siblings had no right to sue for that they had no legal or equitable right to.
Just another Canadian Government crime.
This website will provide to you the reader factual evidence in
The Crown and lawyers involved with all refenced Court filed documents and transcripts that
The Alberta Justice Department was upset because the Plaintiff’s lawyer forced the pleadings close
within this action before she had applied for Probate,
and as such the Plaintiff’s had no standing to sue.
Then prove how.
The Alberta Justice Department acted biased and prejudiced
conspiring with lawyers to jail, frame, and defraud the Defendants.
Donald Broder and Craig Broder.
Joyce Broder sits in silence with Alzheimer’s while they garnishee her bank account.
The picture above is dated 2011/07/24
Joyce Broder turned up dead on
September 23, 2024
Stephen and Laureen Harper
Willfully blind
Willfully participated?
You the reader be the judge!
Priorities versus Non-Priorities
Prime Minister Stephen Harper said;
“1181 missing and murdered indigenous women and girls”
are a;
Let’s try to add some clarification to what;
Stephen and Laureen Harper
consider a;
Priority or Non-Priority
Save the missing and mistreated Cats.
Save the felines
reference male hunters genitals
as to hunting legally!
Mr. Ecklund
confirmed he hunted legally with dogs
during the specified dates
prescribed in
The Alberta Hunting Regulations
issued by
The Alberta Government.
The other comment made by
Laureen Harper suggesting that
Mr. Ecklund
“must be compensating for something, small penis probably“
So you the reader do the comparison on how;
Large Penis vs. Small Penis
affects who is a
Priority or a Non-Priority
Joyce M Broder
picture taken July 24, 2011
Joyce Broder passed away on
September 23, 2011.
Stephen and Laureen Harper’s
Click on the documents below to read in its entirety.
Joyce Broder Garnished – again
Garnishes of Joyce Broder and Letter of Doctor
Justices of the Court sent their
Judicially Order
for whom must be compensating for something
to corner an innocent vulnerable
75 year old senior citizen
Joyce M Broder
in her wheelchair
for whom was in late stages of
Dementia and Alzheimer’s
and did not know what was happening to her
but now with garnishees on her bank account was left
with no money to pay her
long term care facility
monthly living expenses at
The Good Samaritan Care Centre in
Stony Plain, Alberta
You the reader decide;
Are these Judicial Mafia Hounds compensating for something?
possibly a
Small Penis!
or maybe they all believe that they have
Laureen Harper is the expert so we will let her decide?
Justices and lawyers
conspired to orchestrate the outcome,
therefore framing and defrauding an innocent senior citizen
Donald Broder – Defendant within
The Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench
Action 9703-12949
and as such Garnishee’s were
Court Ordered against
Donald Broder
and because it was easier the
Hound Dogs from
The Alberta Justice Department
went after the easy money in
Joyce Broder’s bank account.
Sending a message to
Donald Broder
“Don’t you dare mess around with the big Penises in the Justice system”
We will unravel the conspiracy of how,
Canadian & Alberta Justice Departments, Justices and lawyers
frame, defraud and falsely incarcerate
an innocent 75 year old senior citizen
Donald Broder.
1909 – Edmund Broder – Donald H Broder’s soon to be Father was a big game hunter just like Mr. Ecklund.
1926 – Edmund Broder harvested a Mule Deer Buck that would eventually go down in the record books.
1927 – Edmund Broder married Hazel Bailey.
1929 – Donald H Broder was born to Edmund and Hazel Broder.
1962 – The Mule Deer Buck was Edmund Broder harvested in 1926 was pronounced a World Record.
1967 – Hazel Broder passed away.
1967 – Hazel and Edmund Broder’s valuable personal belongings were distributed according to Hazel’s Will.
1968 – Edmund Broder passed away.
1969 – 1970 – Hazel and Edmund’s children competed the distribution of the few personal effects of Edmund Broder.
1970 – Edmund Broder’s Model T, Guns and hunting gear, Saddle and Blacksmith Tools, Carpenter Tools and
the Mule Deer Trophy went into exclusive possession of different children and
Donald H Broder eldest living son of Edmund Broder took
exclusive possession of the
Mule Deer Trophy.
1970 – 1997
27 Years have passed
then in
March 1997 – Donald H Broder’s brothers and sisters have a lawyer,
Grace Parrotta – King send a demand letter to
Craig Broder that
the Mule Deer Trophy be returned to them.
The brothers and sisters of
Donald H Broder
George Broder, Earl Broder and Richard Broder,
Doris Bibaud, Margaret Macphee, and Luella Adams
have no personal or equitable right to the Mule Deer Trophy and as such
Donald H Broder is advised by his legal counsel not to turn the trophy over,
until such time as
The Application for Probate is made at The Surrogate Courts
and is successful in the appointment of an
Administrator or Personal Representative
that can legally act on behalf of the deceased
Edmund Broder.
Case Law – Mugford vs. Mugford
Newfoundland Court of Appeal.
“Only an administrator appointed by the courts can initiate a legal action on behalf of a deceased.”
July 8, 1997
Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench
Action # 9703-12949
is initiated by
Grace Parrotta-King
by being filed a
The Edmonton Law Courts
and served on
Donald Broder and Craig Broder
Earl Broder, George Broder, Richard Broder,
Margaret Macphee, Doris Bilboe and Luella Adams
Donald Broder and Craig Broder.
July 28, 1997
The Statement of Defence.
was filed by the
Defendants lawyer;
Joseph J. Kueber
of Bryan & Company.
The Statement of Defence plead
Alberta Rules of Court Rule 129;
“the action was frivolous, vexatious and abuse of process”
Simply stated the Plaintiffs as named had no standing to sue
this matter required an application for probate to
appoint an Administrator / Executor at
The Surrogate Courts
And only if successful in the appointment of an Administrator / Executor
they the Administrator / Executor would be in a legal position to
to initiate a lawsuit on behalf of a deceased.
Judicial Predators caught for participating in this crime are;
Attorney General – Justice Minister
Alison Redford
“so full of herself, refused to follow a court order to investigate”
She has something that controls the penis!
Justice Moir,
Plaintiff’s Lawyer Elizabeth McInnis – Moir – daddy
“big penis but no stamina”
Justice A. H. Wachowich,
Replaces Justice W. Kenneth Moore as
Chief Justice at Alberta Law Courts in December of 2001.
“Pretends to have a big penis but his Court Orders have no balls!”
Justice Myra Bielby
Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Trial Judge.
“she has no penis but can make any penis have erectile disfunction”
Criminals by association;
Justice C. P. Clarke,
“his penis responds during court when he winks at male lawyers”
Justice Jed Hawko,
“first time he saw his shadow he discovered he had a penis”
Justice Karen Horner,
“plays the role of having a big penis but we all know she’s bluffing”
Alberta Appeal Court Justices
Carol Conrad,
“she feels good hanging around with the Big Penises”
Peter Costigan
” going through adolescence and still trying to figure out what it takes to grow a big penis.”
Ronald Berger.
“knows his days are numbered and knows there’s always Viagra”
Elizabeth MacInnis – Moirof Weir Bowen
The Plaintiff’s lawyer who had access to removing filed documents from the court file, delete audio from trial tapes and
commit perjury with no consequences.
“no penis – but relied on using her daddy Justice Moir to scare everyone”
Joseph Kueber of Bryan & Company
Donald Broder’s first lawyer that agreed to give irrelevant testimony at trial and pretend he was helping.
“his penis gets intimidated until he helps the opposite side to win against his own client”
Guy Lacourciere of Lacourciere & Associates
Donald Broder’s lawyer that new all along what was going on but let his own client be falsely incarcerated.
“his penis gets excited when he plays both sides”
Bryan Kickham of Miller Thompson
Donald Broder’s trial lawyer that framed his own client the minute the retainer check cleared.
“his penis gets excited when he’s the go to man and trusted to assist in framing an innocent senior citizen”
Marvin Bloos of Beresh, Depoe, Cunningham
Donald Broder criminal lawyer and Supreme Court of Canada lawyer.
“big or small it didn’t matter cause his penis was so scared when
Donald Broder sued him its probably still in remission”
Elizabeth MacInnis – Moore
Based on who her Father and friends are at
The Edmonton Law Courts
The Alberta Justice Department
and lets not forget her husband for whom
is employed at the
Edmonton Police Services “EPS”
This page is entirely focused on exposing
Stephen & Laureen Harper
The Federally Appointed Justices of the Court
to willfully act in collusion to
frame and convict
Canada’s most vulnerable
Senior Citizens
suffering with
Dementia, Alzheimer’s
Heart and Kidney Disease.
stop insulting a legal hunter about his
And Stephen Harper
should grow some balls
and stand up and protect
most vulnerable
Senior Citizens, Women, Girls and Children
of all races and walks of life.
And as such
Laureen Harper
must know more than anybody about
Penis Size = Power
when it comes to
April 17, 1998
Grace Parrotta-King
filed a cease to act on behalf of the Plaintiffs
as she was in a conflict of interest because
she had represented
Donald Broder on a previous matter.
June 1, 1998
Elizabeth MacInnis
Files a notice change solicitor
she will be acting on behalf of
The Plaintiffs.
September 1999
Joseph J. Kueber
of Bryan & Company
is fired by
The Defendants
Donald Broder & Craig Broder
Because Joseph Kueber was agreeing to a
pre-trial conference to waste more time, money and create more legal fees
while he was aware of
The Decision at
The Alberta Court of Appeal
Timberjack vs. Rocklake
“[19] The Rules of Court do not speak about limitation periods or times to amend. They have always been reconciled with limitations legislation by presuming that the powers under the Rules are to be exercised subject to the time limits under the legislation, when those are relevant; Furthermore, the rules of Court are Regulations, and were not confirmed by statute until the 1970s. Regulations cannot override statutes.”
Joseph Kueber was fired in September of 1999 2 years and 2 months
since the original Statement of Claim filed date
JULY 8, 1997 and as such the
2 year limitation period had lapsed on July 9, 1999, so if and when
Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen finally realizes she has to apply for probate and appoint
Personal Representatives at The Surrogate Courts and now that the limitation period of 2 years has lapsed
she cannot substitute a new party to the Action.
Joseph Kueber of Bryan & Company
should have filed a 129 application challenging that the Claim was frivolous, vexatious and abuse of process as the Plaintiff’s lacked standing to sue in their personal capacity only An Administrator appointed by the Surrogate Courts had standing to bring an action on behalf of a deceased.
Case Law relied on;
Mugford Vs. Mugford
Newfoundland Supreme Court.
The Application for Probate at The Surrogate Courts would be subjected to
The New Limitations of Actions Act
“2 year limitation period and the 10 year drop dead clause”
Only two limitation periods: the earlier of
two years from the time the claimant knew or ought to have known of the claim, or
ten years from the time the claim arose.
The Application for Probate is now excess of 30 years since Edmund Broder passed away on December 26, 1968.
“10 year drop dead clause has lapsed to apply for Probate”
“The 2 year limitation period had passed to adding claims and new claimants to the Alberta Court of Queens Bench Action 9703-12949.”
Where an added claim adds or substitutes a claimant:
the defendant must have received, within the 2 year limitation period applicable to the added claim (plus the time provided for service), sufficient knowledge of the added claim that the defendant will not be prejudiced in maintaining a defence to it on the merits;
click the mouse to open full version of;
SEPTEMBER 30, 1999
Robert Sawers
R. J. Sawers & Associates
files a notice to change solicitor and is legal counsel for
The Defendants
Donald Broder and Craig Broder.
Robert Sawers office does research and locates case law
Mugford vs. Mugford
Newfoundland Supreme Court
November 1999.
Robert Sawers of R J Sawers & Associates
suggests to Donald Broder and Craig Broder
to sit tight and let more time lapse
and also see what
Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen
next move is;
Donald Broder and Craig Broder have won the lawsuit as of
July 9, 1999.
Reason 1
Excess of the 2 years limitation period had lapsed since the original Statement of Claim was filed on
July 8, 1997
The Plaintiffs lawyer Elizabeth MacInnis
will not be allowed to add or substitute a new Plaintiff.
A deceased personal effects are subject to making an application for probate at The Surrogate Courts,
being successful with a formal appointment of a
Personal Representative – Administrator.
The Personal Representative would have to initiate a new
Statement of Claim as the
Limitations of Actions Act
barred the substitution of a new Plaintiff on the original
Statement of Claim as its excess of 4 years since the Original Statement of
Claim was initiated and file on July 8, 1997 at
Edmonton Law Courts
Reason 2
And Donald Broder could prevent the Application for Probate from being successful as
The New Limitation Act legislated a 10 year drop dead clause and it was excess of 30 years since his
Father Edmund Broder passed away on
December 26, 1968.
subtract the date Application for Probate was filed
May 24, 2001 from date of death December 26, 1968
we have a total = excess of 30 years.
Donald Broder and Craig Broder
Win again and again but lose.
Because the white people in Government defraud Indigenous people!
Donald Broder’s – Metis Son and Grand-Daughter were defrauded by garnishees against them.
Donald Harrison Broder married Claire Marie Bourassa
Claire Marie Bourassa – 1/8 Grand Traverse and
was the daughter of;
Arthur Bourassa and Josephine Perrault
Josephine Perrault – 1/4 Grand Traverse and
was the daughter of;
Louis Perrault and Clara Perrault
Clara Perrault – 1/2 Grand Traverse and
was the daughter of;
Andrew Chippewa and Mary Anne
Andrew Chippewa – 4/4 Grand Traverse and
was the son of;
Joseph Ke-che-crjib-way
and his wife
Both Full Blood Grand Traverse.
Donald Harrison Broder and Claire Marie Bourassa’s children are
The Indigenous children of Donald Harrison Broder were defrauded by
The Canadian Federal and Provincial Governments!
Here’s How They Do It!
Donald Broder and Craig Broder were defendants within Queen’s Bench action 9703-12949
1) Plaintiffs lawyer, Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen will close the pleadings by way of Court Order in December of 2000, then never follow the court order.
2) Plaintiff’s lawyer, Elizabeth MacInnis of Weir Bowen will have Donald H. Broder incarcerated after the trial for not following a 2004 court order to teach
him a lesson when she herself was in contempt for not following the December, 2000 Justice Lewis Court Order that close the pleading before
she had applied for probate and as such had no standing to sue Donald Broder and Craig Broder.
3) Defendants lawyer, Bryan Kickham of Miller Thompson orchestrates his own client to lose again
by amending the Statement of Defence on January 9, 2004, back dates the 2004 to 2003 and
forges the Judges second signature on the FIAT to assist The Plaintiff’s lawyer Elizabeth MacInnis – Moir
in concealing that the issue of standing was plead in The Original Statement of Claim.
4) The Defendants first lawyer, Joseph Kueber of Bryan & Company,
is asked to testify at trial by The Defendants trial lawyer Bryan Kickham of Miller Thompson
to pre statement of claim correspondences the would prove unbeneficial instead of post statement of claim correspondences
that raised the issue of standing and would prevent the Plaintiff’s from winning to pretend he was trying to help.
5) Elizabeth MacInnis – Moir of Weir Bowen knows someone that can have audio delete from trial recording, quite possibly her Daddy
Justice Moir.
comes into play
or simply who knows who has
the largest Penis
The Alberta’s Justice System.
That’s Da’ Boss
who allowed lawyers to conspire with each other to
orchestrate the outcome
frame, defraud and falsely incarcerate
and also Proves
Please keep in mind that;
Laureen Harper
was clear that a legal hunter
white or indigenous
for whom harvested a
Cougar by following
Government legislated
Alberta Hunting Regulations
must be compensating for a
“small penis”
“Leaders who don’t listen will eventually be
surrounded by people who have nothing to say.”
-Andy Stanley
My question to
Laureen Harper is
What are you compensating for?
Here’s how we see it!
The Federal and Provincial Justice Departments of Canada are fraudsters that
chase innocent indigenous people with trained government hound dogs
until they are exhausted, cornered and fear for their livelihood just like a tired animal in a tree.
Then when the Indigenous innocent man, woman or child is scared they
falsely incarcerate him;
Donald H. Broder
until he turns over.
The Broder Buck
Then the trial Judge; Justice Myra Bielby offered to;
Donald H. Broder
during his fake hearing to be
criminally charged for contempt of court
That his son;
Donald Craig Broder
could take his place in
The Edmonton Remand Centre
Justice Myra Bielby had Donald H. Broder
at 75 years of age
falsely incarcerated for 11 days in
The Edmonton Remand Centre
until he turned over
The Broder Buck
And when he finally succumbed to their demands
The Edmonton Law Courts
Auctioned off
The Broder Buck
$225,000 US exchanged to $325,000.00 Canadian.
Elizabeth MacInnis lawyer for the Plaintiffs that is in
Contempt of Court
charged in excess of $250,000 for her role in the;
Conspiracy to Defraud
an innocent 75 year old senior citizen
Donald H. Broder and his
Indigenous family.
Don’t fall for it
The Police Chief
is not
White Collar Crime
His true role is to make you believe he is,
while he buries it.
The Alberta Justice Department even went after Donald H Broder second wife
Joyce Marie Broder and
Garnished her bank account while she was in
The Good Samaritans Home dying.
What are these Justice Department and Lawyer fraudsters;
The Governments of Canada are guilty of crimes against humanity!
Don’t kid yourself they would do it again!
The hanging of the six Chiefs was in 1864.
“We honor and recognize six Tsilhqot’in chiefs –
men who were treated and tried as criminals in an era where both the colonial government and the
legal process did not respect the inherent rights of the Tsilhqot’in people,” the Canadian prime minister said.
These are mistakes that our government profoundly regrets and are determined to set right’
It only took over 150 years.
These same white collar criminals participated in the death of
Donald Harrison Broder
for whom lost his will to live due to
Canadian Government
conspiracy against him and his family,
with intent to
his Indigenous children and grand children.
So we
The Broder Children and Grand Children
wait 150 years for
The Canadian Government to apologize and
return what they conspired to defrauded our family of;
The Broder Buck and all monetary damages.
Donald Harrison Broder
quit taking his critical life support medication on
April 1, 2012
as a result of the state of mind the
Canadian Government caused him
he passed away from
Kidney failure
on April 11, 2012.
In 1864 The Government of Canada hung the Chiefs
150 years later in 2015 these
perpetrators pick on the old and vulnerable
hoping they die and nobody tells their story.
“The living owe it to those who no longer
can speak to tell their story for them.”
Sara Zarr.
Elizabeth MacInnis / Moir
will be held accountable!
The Elizabeth MacInnis / Moir
story has been written for
her family and friends
to read.
With All Our Love Father;
Elizabeth MacInnis / Moir
caused you to leave us
sooner than we wanted
But it was meant to be and it’s
her and all the other
white collar criminals turn to suffer now.